New confirmed details for 2.1


Junior Administrator

new solo and 5-man stuff!

Now confirmed additions:

  • Druid Epic Flight Form
  • Ethereum Prison
  • Skettis
  • Nether Drake
  • Ogri'la

Not that I'm having a huge amount of luck getting the current 5 man stuff done but still its good to know :D
Plus, when the PTR goes up i'll probably try that out and find out what's happening :D


New Member
Cant wait... You know I am a quest hoare, and new content sounds grand.

Another titbit of info.. Watch out for new Darkmoon faire cards that drop in outland. They can reward you with a selection of new trinkets that are for L70's.

BTW, The Black Temple sounds great in principle... But please remember that in terms of difficulty, it comes after Serpentshrine and the Eye for 25 man raids. And seeing as though nobody has made a serious attempt at either of these on our server yet, it can only be a twinkle in an ambitious Orc's eye.