Just found out that there is, for the first time, a Windrider Master at Ratchet, meaning that we can get back and forth from the land of neutrality by air.
* New flight paths can be found at Ratchet and Marshall's Refuge, Un'Goro Crater.
* Flight paths added between:
o Morgan's Vigil - Lakeshire
o Revantusk Village - Light's Hope Chapel
o Aerie Peak - Chillwind Point
o Stonetalon Peak - Nijel's Point
o Cenarion Hold - Feathermoon Stronghold
o Cenarion Hold - Camp Mojache
o Cenarion Hold - Un'Goro Crater
o Gadgetzan - Un'Goro Crater
o Crossroads - Ratchet
o Theramore - Ratchet
o Ratchet - Talendris Point
o Moonglade - Talonbranch
o Splintertree - Valormok
o Hammerfall - Revantusk Village
o Camp Mojache - Freewind Post
The new flight route I am most happy about is the one that's been put in at Marshal's Refuge in Un'Goro Crater. Most of us apart from Secord won't be getting into Un'Goro Crater for a long time... but quite simply to get into the damn place was a 5 minute ride (note - mounted) from Gadgetzan in Tanaris... then if you wanted to get to Marshal's Refuge you needed to dodge massive level 56 elite T-Rex's as well as the usual enemies for another 5 mins just to get the the "town" there. (it isn't actually a town - you will see later.)
Then again, I'm not sure if Marshal's Refuge is open to the Horde in Un'Goro... So if not then ignore my rambling and I will just make sure I make use of it with my lvl 54 Dwarf Warrior on Dunemaul