Junior Administrator
Eurogamer are reporting that the new DLC for Left 4 Dead will be made available at some point today.
Fun times?
Fun times?
Co-op, quite frankly, sucks. Close to zero replayability there. Versus pickup games are hit or miss as well, but when you end up in a good one the game really shines.I've not really been playing much L4D because I was finding the pick-up games weren't terribly engaging; just shooting lots of zombies loses its appeal if there's no other purpose. Perhaps we can get a few games on our server with the new patch? I'll keep an eye out for the Valve updates mailing list announcement and then update our server.
Close to zero replayability there.
I hope the new versus campaigns are Blood Harvest and Dear Air :3 (Although it would have been better if they were included from launch, and they released completely new ones in this pack...)