New main in progress!



As you all know (or for you all that's new to the guild) Ínò has been my trusted main char for all eternity it seems. Always up for anything doing (anyone) everything.

But now, I have out-grown him and gotten mighty tired of him as I tried busting my ass off improving my gear being able to run "heroics" as everyone always said. "Hell yea, we want your boomkin aura"
Not a day went by without me looking for HC's for Badges and better loot(s).
Nothing ever happened basicly, and everytime I looked for a group the repsonse was. sorry but we want "CC".
And NO I'm not pointing fingers at the guild. This applies to the entire realm. And everyone had their regular groups so I always stood out there in the cold spot known as nowhere.

So now all my focus goes on Zíra. Love to play her, and hopefully someone will give a damn and get me a spot somewhere.

And from now on Ínò will ONLY be available to old friends that wants him along and I really don't care what guild you have moved on too, as I couldn't care less for playing him really (might sound harsh enough, but I only speak the truth) All that's made an impression on me, will stay as my friend untill proven otherwise.

But for now Zíra needs to advance and I really need to enjoy something again. And she will team up with you Zag (as Ínó's spellcast backfired and sent him to hibernation) in our quest for laughs in the BG's (if you still want's that is)

If any questions just ask, there's is nothing I won't answer!

Cheers peeps!


Super Moderator
Staff member
Well said. Heard a lot about people wanting Ínò's Boomkin aura. Wonder what happened to that
Anywho. You should play the char you have the most fun with. And if Zíra is that char. Then go with it, I say.


New Member
Indeed, funner characters make the game interesting. If you play a character that you no longer have fun with then there is little reason to use them.


In Cryo Sleep
Ah, you are indeed more than welcome to join me in my devious plan to conquer Bg's (a pompous way of saying "shredding allies to pieces because they make funny noises")!

The irony of it all is that I'm leveling my feral as we speak, because I miss my former littler furballs! :)