new nvidia drivers AGAIN!


Version 169.21 is now available from the usual place for winxp 32 bit.

The rate at which display drivers get released is ridiculous! I am almost tempted to protest and not install them.

Would I notice any difference?


Staff member
I haven't installed any updates since this summer (August, July maybe?) Dammned if I've been bothered by anything yet...


Active Member
I doubt you'd notice any difference. I don't remember installing any new drivers since I built this computer (probably over a year ago) and it's not caused me any problems


Active Member
I had to revert to an old nvidia driver as the latest one at the time screwed up my desktop resolution, refusing to accept that my maximum desktop resolution worked, and stretching the screen over an area I couldn't see unless I moved the mouse.

As my dad says, if it ain't broke don't fix it.


Junior Administrator
I only update my graphics drivers if I start having graphical issues or there is something which requires a newer version...

Like KC said really :)


I updated to the drivers before this (the ones Trax posted about) as Crysis had horrid black textures covering half of some maps, meaning I couldn't see the enemies while they could clearly see me.

So yeah, some driver updates are obviously a good thing, but unless you need to get them for a specific reason, I wouldn't bother updating as often as they are released. Every few months is good enough for me, unless there's a problem!