New PC, finally


In Cryo Sleep
As you are no doubt aware, I finally managed to acquire myself a working, fast, gaming quality PC. Here's a comparison between my old hardware and new:


Athlon 2200+ (1.8GHz)
512mb DDR RAM
80Gb HDD
ATi Radeon 9200SE 256mb


Athlon 3500+ (2.2GHz)
2GB OCZ EL DDR RAM Platinum Edit.
120 + 40 GB Maxtor HDD
Gigabyte Radeon X800XL 256mb
Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS soundcard

The difference is incredible, on my new PC I can start up, play a game of CoD and shut it down again in less than the time my old PC took to start up. On my old PC, playing CoD1 at lowest graphical settings at 640x480 I could barely manage 80 fps. CoD2 on my new PC at max settings and 1280x1024 gets 125+ constant :) CoD1 is off the scale at 333fps constant.

The bottom line is - I can finally join in with some clan gaming again, and Ive already got my copy of BF2142 preordered. So, hopefully I shall be seeing you guys on the battlefield.

EDIT: Oh and for those of you who feel like theyve seen those specs before ... shhhhh :)


In Cryo Sleep
The CPU is definitely the 1st part I want to upgrade, probably an Athlon X2. However, Im more than happy with the performance it puts out at the moment. Ill wait and see how BF2142 runs first, and maybe think about chopping and changing come Christmastime.


Active Member
Good for you mate. I guess from what you said you got it ready built, but I was wondering if you considered building one yourself? I've just finished building my new PC (first time I've ever attempted it) and found it to be quite a fun experience.


In Cryo Sleep
As I said to thatbird, you may want to consider getting a top-end PSU aswell.

Not to worry about that, either. Its got a Thermaltake Purepower 560W PSU that works very well. At first, I thought the PSU might be leading to some problems but as it turns out it was RAM sticks not functioning in their relevant banks. A quick opening and shutting of the case sorted that.


In Cryo Sleep
Ah, the story continues. Now I have a new PC, Monitor, speakers and the latest addition - a gaming mouse. The Razer Viper I used previously was my younger brothers, and that served us well for over a year. However, with the recent arrival of my own PC my bro took his mouse away with him down to the family PC, which left me stuck with the old PC's rollerball which was quite shite. I bought a new mouse y'day - the Logitech MX518 for the sum of £35.
Now, I wasn't too keen on paying that amount for a mouse alone, but it's actually really good. The ol' Viper was far better than the trackball mouse, and even decent optical mice, but it still stuck and froze and glitched on the odd occasion. However, the MX518 is extremely reliable. I haven't had any glitching twitching or switching yet, touch wood, and thats just on my desk surface. Its a bit bigger than the Razer, it has a thumb groove and a fancy pattern on the top and all this kind of thing, not bad at all. It has a couple of feature buttons as well. A pair of forward/back buttons for a web browser, an application selection button, and a pair of odd resolution switching buttons for increasing or decreasing the sensitivity. Why you'd rather have 400dpi than 1600dpi I dont know, but it lets you switch between the three set resolutions, or your own custom sensitivities. It's reasonably handy actually. I thought itd be clunky, but its quite good being able to run around using 800dpi (400dpi is too fast for me) and then switch instantaneously to 1600dpi for more sensitive shooting while using scoped weapons.

So, overall Im very pleased with it. Recommend it to you and all that. Left on my hit-list now are Keyboard and net connection. Coming soon!


Junior Administrator
hhehehe that be my mouse, yeah they're good little mice, although you'll find every other mouse fairly uncomfortable form now on. ahhh well what can u do.
good choice tho.
i say KB wise get ur self a Saitek eclipse, they are really nice imo.


In Cryo Sleep
I saw a really cool KB whilst I was buying a mouse - it glowed red! It was a fairly basic otherwise though, and it cost about 35-40ish which might sting a bit. However, anything to sort out this nonsense I have my with my current keyboard. i bought FEAR yesterday as well, and whenever i try to run diagonally forward and turn on/off the flashlight (W+A+X keys), the PC beeps angrily and doesnt register the input. Also, my bro can't scope, lean, hold his breath and move in CoD2 without the same thing happening. KB is a definite must for christmas. I'll have a look at the Saitek Eclipse, my joystick is from Saitek and it's really good.