New Posts Filtering


Junior Administrator
Ok, further to a short discussion with ronin earlier tonight...

First, let it be said that I have no problem with the new restructuring of the Wow guild's recruitment section, actually I quite like it and think it's a fantastic idea from the officers


About 3/4 of the new posts atm seem to be recruitment or Wow based, which for the most part I have no interest in. I'm sure some of the Wow people feel the same about the less active Eve Subforum

What I would like to see is the ability to filter the New Posts selection search. Ideally this would be kinda like a subscription thing in the UserCP, which by default allows all forums. You could however for certain forums untick a check box which would stop the posts from showing up in a New Posts search.

Thoughts People?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I see this request as a sort of opt-out system for new post notifications for certain forums. However, it might lead to important posts being missed if it is too liberally applied. Maybe that's a problem the opting out user just needs to accept; they may miss stuff as a result of opting out.

Certainly, the WoW Recruitment forum would be one that would be safe for now WoW players to opt out on. The WoW forum itself, however, often has much more generally interesting threads so the loss of diversity wouldn't be interesting.

There's not currently a better mechanism for implementing the Recruitment forum so that needs to stay as is unless we have a sudden flash of inspiration. I have been wondering, very vaguely, about some sort of validating form so that the defined application structure is somewhat enforced.