So I had some time to spare and decided to mix a few tunes together. Unfortunately, since my hd wipe I don't have nearly the stock I used to, so the material is severely limited. Also, my booth/mon itor separation isn't working at all with the new onboard soundcard, so the mixing isn't nearly as good as it should be. All in all, Extra Random and Not Very Good. But still.
DocBot's Extra Random Deluxe - Half an hour of more or less random music. All electronic, though.
(it will be there soon, I'm uploading it now)
edit: done.
edit 2: also, a setlist:
1. Office Gossip - Strangers
2. Phil Kieran - Pinhole of Light
3. Sander van Doorn Feat. MC Pryme - By any Demand
4. X Static - Move Me Up (DJ Stella 2007 remix)
5. Oxia - Not Sure
6. Reinhard Voigt - Follow the DJ
7. Blast feat. DVC - Crazy Man
DocBot's Extra Random Deluxe - Half an hour of more or less random music. All electronic, though.
(it will be there soon, I'm uploading it now)
edit: done.
edit 2: also, a setlist:
1. Office Gossip - Strangers
2. Phil Kieran - Pinhole of Light
3. Sander van Doorn Feat. MC Pryme - By any Demand
4. X Static - Move Me Up (DJ Stella 2007 remix)
5. Oxia - Not Sure
6. Reinhard Voigt - Follow the DJ
7. Blast feat. DVC - Crazy Man