Working away in the background on getting much of the new functionality of the old templates back. Problem is that the old templates weren't at all maintainable meaning that every upgrade (and they're happening every 4-5 weeks) was painful. The last one to 3.7.0 was a major one and pretty much broke everything so upgrading them is still looking like a nightmare.
However, as the name suggests, there is a new test template available for public use now. It's called "THN Ronin Test 2", just in case you were in any doubt of its test status.
As a beta template, it will probably be recalled, renamed or something else later. For now, the major features you can see are:
Yes, it's still blue. This is a functionality release only. Once we're happy with the functionality base we can start skinning templates in earnest.
Thoughts on how much you love the beta template in here. Bug reports to Hey Admins please.
However, as the name suggests, there is a new test template available for public use now. It's called "THN Ronin Test 2", just in case you were in any doubt of its test status.
As a beta template, it will probably be recalled, renamed or something else later. For now, the major features you can see are:
- Who Is Online is alongside the shoutbox, making it easy to see who is currently on the site.
- Upcoming Events have been moved into their own snazzy bar below the shoutbox.
Yes, it's still blue. This is a functionality release only. Once we're happy with the functionality base we can start skinning templates in earnest.
Thoughts on how much you love the beta template in here. Bug reports to Hey Admins please.