New vacuum cleaner


Well-Known Member
Topic says it all:

I need a new vaccum cleaner, preferably a cheap one that is good at cleaning carpets.

Any recommendations?


Staff member
The only two I can recommend are definitely not cheap. I'd suggest either a Henry or a Dyson - both get my recommendations - you get what you pay for though Dragon so if you go for a no-name no-brand you may end up with junk :)

For the record we've currently got a Dyson and it rocks.


Junior Administrator
The Dysons, while expensive, are utterly awesome.

I have no idea if such a store will exist near you, but near(ish) to me there are a couple of 2nd-hand electrical stores that have a whole host vacuums and washing machines and other second hand appliances - picked myself up a Dyson for £50 some time ago now and as far as I know (it's not mine anymore) it's still working :)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Different tilt to previous posters:

A distant friend who was hyper dust allergic didn't rate the Dyson machines of the time (~5 years ago) and was especially scornful of the cost. She went to a local hardware shop who fitted her up with a custom-filter vacuum for around two thirds the price, IIRC.

Shops that do that notwithstanding, my best vacuum cleaner has been a bagless Vax upright. Light, powerful, sufficiently well featured, less than half the price. Does a better job than the upright Dyson that preceded it.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
I have a really good one which was realtively cheap. I'll check what it is when i get home. I also think dysons suck badly. In at least two ways.