New VoA boss


Well-Known Member
So... many people tried that new boss in the Vault of Archavon? Midge, myself and a couple of others had a PuG of the 25-man version the other day. Archavon himself was a joke, of course (and didn't drop anything for us, of course :P ), and then we had a crack at the new guy... his trash wiped the raid a few times due to people body-pulling when the tank wasn't there, and the boss himself was vicious!

I was thinking that we could perhaps try a guild-only 10-man run to work out how it works and do it in a reasonably organised fashion so we can hopefully get it down pat and spread that to PuGs we may do later; would anyone be interested?

If people are interested, we could perhaps try on Wednesday, incorporate it into PvP night. Take Wintergrasp, work on the boss after knocking Archavon over, etc etc.


In Cryo Sleep
Totally, this guy has some nice loot.
I'll be around on wednsday to dups the shite out of that blue guy.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

I'll be up for any content that I haven't seen yet. :)

AoE healage, ofc...



In Cryo Sleep
I've tried this boss before and I'd have to say, as a Haven raid you'd have far more chance of getting 'im down than you would in a PUG. At the very least, your chances are above the 0% you get in a PUG filled with PvP nut cases who don't listen...

But yeah, good luck on getting him down!


In Cryo Sleep
A Haven run would be awesome!! Tried to PUG twice now and both have ended in multiple wipes...(including when me and Nactall had some DK who was our OT wielding a Dalaran Sword!! , in his OH because he 'didnt have a two decent weapons'....:S


New Member
Meh, what a cunt that was :P I asked him if his gear was up for it and he was like yeah offc what a stupid question. So did not see the need to check his gear. And he tought lets pick up my Imba Epic Dalaran sword and offer to tank the boss XD

Failure rating: 100%


In Cryo Sleep
We just got him down. Never tried him before he got nerfed; but it only took three tries to get him down using two healers and DPS that weren't stunning so shouldn't be too hard. It's just a case of getting the DPS to focus on the add before it wipes the raid.


Active Member
He got nerfed already? For the love of all that is moldy, do they have to take ALL the challenges from the game? >.< I haven't tried him, of course, but I hear of a new nerf and it sucks.


In Cryo Sleep
Only on 10 man, I heard. It's because it was against Blizz's ideas about 10 man raiding and such. 10 man raids and 25 man raids are meant to be fairly equal, I.E: You go heroics -> 10 man raiding or 25 man raiding Naxx, then Ulduar, then Ulduar Hard.

I dunno really, I'm just blathering.


In Cryo Sleep
well from what have i heard all 10man instances got a little "tune-up" to actually be easier than 25mans... e.g. s3d10 which was for the time being the hardest instance in the game, even though 25's should have been harder, as they do reward better items. so i wouldn't be surprised and for once the nerf is kinda valid. nerfing 25man ulduar is completely different case ofc... but that's OT