News on 2.3


Well-Known Member
I decided to give the 2.3 PTR a whirl, and figured people would like some little bits of news from it that the notes aren't making clear! Well, to start with, things I quickly noticed in Shattrath:

Griftah is back in Shattrath! Not only does he have new stuff to sell, he also has a Zul'aman quest chain, it seems

There are two Consortium chaps giving daily dungeons quests; one for a random Heroic, one for a random normal. The normal gives an Etherum Prison Key for Netherstorm quests, the Heroics one gives two Heroic bages.

Daily PvP quests; award Marks of Honour, among the rep, honour, xp and cash; nice way to grab marks faster for that piece of PvP gear, no?

Lots of new Heroic badge rewards... shiiiiny...

Engineering Gyrocopters! I'll show a pic when I've made one with Umbrator

First edit:

Griftah ACTUALLY sells something useful! One of the materials for the epic engineering flyer is a hula-girl doll that only he sells...

The trainer for the engineering flyer is inside the Alliance camp in Shadowmoon Valley -_-

There's a whole base-camp outside Zul'aman, including a flight point and loads of quests. The first quest I found rewards a 20-slot bag

You can now apparently fly from Silvermoon/Ghostlands to the main continent; as soon as I'm done exploring the area around Zul'aman, I'll try it out for myself.

Every player now has the innate ability to track certain things; for example, quest givers or hand-in targets are always marked on the map with the appropriately-coloured ! or ?. Also, you can track profession and class trainers, bankers, auctioneers, food/drink vendors, reagent vendors, repair-NPCs, Innkeepers, Flight Masters, and Battlemasters

When you mouse over a quest-giving NPC, you'll have an "!" mark next to your pointer. When you mouse over someone who can repair, you get an anvil instead. I'm sure there's others, but those are the two i found fast

The Auction House has been sorted to be less daft in some ways... you can no longer search for cloaks, relics, off-hands etc under Plate or somesuch, nor can you search for Head/Shoulder/Legs etc under Miscellaneous. Also, the server-side sorting of items really is better now, and it seems faster.

More to come...