Nice Mr Tinghams guide to the old world raiding were going to be doing.


In Cryo Sleep
Okay, as you all know , were going to be doing alot of old world raiding in the next few weeks. My aim is to at least enter Naxx.

We have already made an exellent start by clearing ZG in one fell swoop.

The order things are going to run in is :

ZG - Done

I am aware that three of these require attunements. So im going to explain how to get them quickly and easily.

Molten Core Attunement (Solo)

Right. The quest can be picked up from the elf at the bottom the chains on the way to BRD.

If you dont know BRD , then I suggest you use atlas , or get someone to help you. But you want to be heading to Incendius (large fire elemental).

Kill him , if you must , then jump off his platform into the lava to te southeast, and head to the wall , where the is a ledge you can stay out of the lava from. It ticks for about 600 every three seconds , so by using a couple of health pots and bandages, as well as jumping all the time , youll be fine.

If you now face northwest , youll see a platform , swim to that. Unless your VERY unlucky or dont have any health pots etc, you should make it easily.

Swim to this , when your on it , avoid or kill the elementals , and look north west. You should see a bridge. If you swim towards it , youll see a platform on your left you can jump onto. Go to this first.

When your on it , go northwest again , and youll see two braziers, swim towards these. This is the last lava swim.

When your across , run up the ramp to your right and look behind you. Youll see th bridge stretching away with 2 groups of 3 elementals on it.

The hardest part of this is killing these. When you do , the core fragment is right to the left of the MC portal.

BWL and Naxx Attunement Guides Coming Soon


In Cryo Sleep
Can I just say, it would be a lot of easier if we went in groups of 5, or even while people do the Brewfest boss, pick up the attunement quest on the way in and complete it.
The mobs are grey at level 70, and I don't think a couple of fire elementals equivelant in strength to mobs on Isle of Quel'Danas will give anyone too much trouble.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Tried soloing BRD two days ago.(again) and it is hell for Priest class as we have no form of CC and no AoE. Over 90% of out spells are charge spells (I.E; THey have casting time) and we can get pummelled pretty hard down there due to just that. the forge key would make it easier, though. But not everyone has that :p


Staff member
Holler when I'm online and I'll run you through, I have the key on all my characters and know the shortcuts.