Nine Inch Nails - Ghosts


Staff member
Nine Inch Nails presents Ghosts I - IV, a brand new 36 track instrumental collection available right now. Almost two hours of new music composed and recorded over an intense ten week period last fall, Ghosts I - IV sprawls Nine Inch Nails across a variety of new terrain.

Free download of 9 tracks from Trents new Instrumental set "Ghosts".

I've got the free download, the full set is 36 tracks and can be bought in DRM free mp3/flac/apple or ye olde tea coaster format.


Cool ive just got them all there pretty good. I like NiN i have another of there albums its all good too. Man theres a lot of tracks in the ghost album 36! gona take me a while to listen to..

Good Find Haven!! :D


Got the high-bitrate mp3s, listened to them while playing DoW: Soulstorm over the last week or so. There are some slightly strange tracks in there, but I'm sure anyone who's used to NIN will be fine with those.

Most of the tracks are excellent; if you play the mp3s in WMP with the album art on, you get shown the image that they were thinking of when they composed each one, which is nice.

Apparently Mr Reznor sold out of the $300 exceedingly-insane-deluxe edition in three days, netting him $750,000 before costs.

(Confirmed NIN obsessive):D