I might pick one up eventually, pending reviews. Ive always fancied giving Ninty some support, Ive got a GBA but Ive been quite poor as far as home consoles are concerned.
The controller is either going to make or break the Wii, heres hoping it makes it. Can see some very interesting niche games, like fishing games and racket/bat sports becoming very desireable all of a sudden. Im not digging this whole Zelda thing terribly much though. I was never a fan (not even a small one) of the Zelda series, so I cant see how the addition of a convoluted control system is going to help things. In saying that, LoZ: Wind waker was fun for a while.
Maybe a Metroid game with the new system could be a hit, as long as it isnt FPS a la Metroid Prime. The 3D games just slaughtered the Metroid series, it should have been GBA exclusive, instead of trying to take advantage of the GC 3D chip.
Anyway, long live Nintendo.