No more raids??


Am i the only one who has noticed that there are no raids booked at all this week and none at the weekend??... is it an oversite or is there something deeper going on? ....pleeease let me know cheers :)


Oh and as a quick add to my last post .. if it is a case of no officers wanting to /having time to set up raids i dont mind helping out and getting some stuff going.. or maybe someone else would like to help me out and we can split the days....
So maybe i set-up mondays and tuesdays and someone sets up friday and saturdays...

Just an idea but as i said let me know :)


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

Ops! :( Sorry, the month changed over and I didn't notice...

Setting them up now...



Ah lol ok zooggy nice one cheers :) .. what i said still stands though about helping to set em up :)


Well-Known Member
My bad too, I've been meaning to get that sorted but was hoping to get the officers together for a discussion regarding the raiding schedule, particularly what we do on what nights.

I still plan to do this, but for this week, it's business as usual (hopefully with me being a bit more available and less stressed out).

Watch this space, and thanks Zooggy. Burrick, I may take you up on that offer :p