Non-essential useful addons


In Cryo Sleep
As some of you might've noticed, I've been interested in what kind of addons people in our guild are using other than the required ones (such as DBM/BigWigs and Omen3).
Therefore, I'd like to ask you to post what other addons you consider useful and why you consider them useful. This includes addons that alter your entire UI and Actionbars.

I myself am using the following non-required addons:
- Atlas; for getting those instance maps etc.
- AtlasLoot Enhanced; for seeing what loot drops where and what you can buy with rep.
- Pallypower; practically mandatory for raiding Paladins, it's the ultimate Blessing manager.
- FuBars; this addon (and its plugins) allow easy gold and XP tracking, as well as ammo, reagents and durability (which you can even set to automatically restock).
- Outfitter; very useful if you've got multiple gear sets you want to switch between (such as PvP and PvE or healing and DPS gear). You can also make subsets to switch (such as fishing).

I'm looking forward to hearing what addons you guys are using.


Junior Administrator
The main one I use is a mod called ForteXorcist.

Originally aimed at warlocks, it now has modules for most other classes too. As a warlock, it allows me to see whose soulstone cooldowns are available, also who has a combat res and ankhs, etc.

Other features such as a shard manager and various other stuff are just so damned useful.

The other mod I couldn't do without is Bagnon (and Banknon). Bagnon merges all my bags into one window. It doesnt do any of the crap that arkinventory does like sorting, which means that moving items is instant and doesnt take 2 seconds per item.

It also allows you to do a text search in your bags and your bank for an item if you can find it (it highlights any item names that match). It also works cross-character, and enhances all item tooltips by adding to them a line (or lines if you have multiple characters with these items) that tells you how many of that item each of your characters have.

You can also use it to check your other character's banks and bags too just by using a simple drop down box.

I also have a mod called EquipCompare, which makes it easier to see what items I already have equipped when a piece of kit drops. I know the Blizzard UI does this, but this does it better :)

Mobinfo2 shows me how much health mobs have.

Talented allows me to save talent templates which I can easily activate at any time after I unlearn all of my talents.

The other mod I couldn't do without is SpamMeNot. Haven't had a single gold whisper since installing it.


Well-Known Member
Small note: PallyPower is mandatory for all paladins, and paladins won't be allowed to be in our raids without it


New Member
Atm the addons i am using are, Xperl ........... that is pretty much it, looking at getting Wardrobe or somthing but the only time i am changing gear is to fish so its not needed to raid.

I am aware that things like decurse is usful but heard alot of bugs have been happening recently and with my Raid bars all Very close togethor on Xperl and any needed decurse or abolish posion keybound it doesn't take to long with a little effort to do it.

Did try out clique but after a couple of problems like binding my right click and being unable to leave party and not being use to healing like that i was worse off so removed it.

Also had quest helper but ppl have said it has caused issues with DC's so i removed that as well.

I Do have Ratings buster to get a better idea of how good a bit of gear is for me, i kept that.

I am aware i have no real aggro calculator but as a healer i do what i need to do to keep ppl alive, if that cause's me to over aggro then there are problems.


In Cryo Sleep
This is a pretty long list, I use 100 addons (this includes different modules). Most aren't that important. The ones in bold are my must have addons.

Acheron - Very nice addon that lets me see what killed who and how in raids.
Aloft - Improved unit nameplates
Atlas - Instance Maps
AtlasLoot - Loot from all over
Autobar - Holds all drinks, foods, mounts, hearthstone, elixers, flasks and potions. And anything else you'd want to add( like teleport/portal for mages). It cleans up my actionbars by alot and it makes sure I heardly have to open my bags.
Bartender4 - My actionbars. I used to work with Bongos, but since that discontinued and got replaced with Dominos, I like BT4 much better. Everything can be customized.
BigWigs and LittleWigs - Replaces DBM. It has more functionality and works together with DBM. Littlewigs is for 5mans
Carbonite - THE quest addon everyone should get. It's lighter then Quest Helper, doesn't cause any issues and is simply better in every way. Would hate to level without it.
Clique - Never used it, but am now using it instead of Decursive so I dont have to retarget the tank after every dispel/abolish disease. Am trying to heal with it a bit, but can't seem to get used to that.
CowTip - Improved and moveable tooltips.
DoubleWideTradeSkills - Improves all tradeskill windows to be twice the size.
DrDamage - Calculates actual damage/ healing based on gear, talents and buffs and displays this on the spell in your actionbar. Makes it very easy to see what gear improves my healing/ damage and which heal is the right size for a certain situation.
ElkBuffBars - Replaces the default buff frames. More detailed.
FuzzyLogic - Easy pet management for my hunter alt
GFW_FeedOmatic - Helps my hunter keep his pet wellfed
IceHUD - A HUD around my char. I like this most on my dpsing chars, since I don't have to look at my green bars up in the corner when dpsing.
LightHeaded - A quest addon that gives the tips from Wowhead ingame. Very handy
MinimapButtonFrame - removes all the buttons around the mimimap and places them inside a hideable frame. I hate clutter!
Mounted - Mount macro generator. This way I can alternate moutns without having to have alot of different buttns, the addon randomly picks for me.
Omen - Threat meter
oRA2 - Replaces CTRaid. Very good addon to have, lots of info about the raid. Especially usefull for raidleaders
Outfitter - To change my gear with a click of a button.
Overachiever- Addon that adds a little functionality to the achievements menu.
Prat-3.0 - A chatmod that gives lots of little features I like.
QuestGuru - Improved Questlog, doublewide and with questhistory.
Quartz - MUST HAVE for any caster. Displays a castbar that also counts the lag you have. This can easily improve any casters dps or hps when used correctly.
SmartBuff - Love, love, love this addon. Keeps track of all the buffs I can do and shows who needs what (like when someone died and needs fort again). All I have to do is scroll my mousewheel and the addon will target the person and cast the right buff. Also works on groupbuffs.
Talented - Improved talenttrees with the option to save and load templates.
Titan - Alternative to Fubar.
Xperl - My favorite Unit frames. Very detailed. Couldn't live without this addon as a healer. I <3 my green bars

And in case you wonder how I keep them all updated. GET WOWMATRIX! It is the best thing I've ever come across. It's an addon management program that let's you install/ uninstall/ update addons without having to go to or similar sites.:D


In Cryo Sleep
Sorry for the crappy quality, but had to shrink down the image and cut off my second screen.

This is how my ui normally looks

This is with everything showing. Most of it is faded out until you mouseover it. I also showed where I have my UIframes (upleft)


Active Member
Riiight, I will make this quick:

Auctioneer Package
Fubar (moneyfu, bagfu, durabilityfu, experiencefu)


In Cryo Sleep
Behold my list of addons,

-Damage recount
-Deadly boss mods

I believe most addons are used for casters and healers.


Well-Known Member
Right... here it comes:

-various Atlas modules
-various AtlasLoot modules
-various Cartographer modules
CoolLevelUp (for sub-80 chars)
Dr Damage
PallyPower (for Paladins only)
Rune Watch (for DKs only)
Sanity Inventory
Wrath of the MCP
-maaaany X-perl modules

And about 40-50 Libraries.

Those are just the ones I have active at the moment, and I consider almost all of those essential to some degree, or at least very useful. I might upload a screenie later

Wrath of the MCP, incidentally, is a great mod for turning mods on and off on the fly. It's in the guild mod pack now (link on the wiki) along with various other important/updated mods.


New Member
How can you use so many addons :O

I only use the following.

Scrolling Combat Text


Junior Administrator
I really cannot belive how people live without using interface addons...

Depends on the addon - for a very long time I was totally against using any kind of addon as I thought it gave an unfair advantage. As such I don't use too many addons and keep my interface in a state where if I had to uninstall all of my addons I could still quite happily play with just the default UI...


Junior Administrator
Staff member
I tended that way too. But after installing Wowmatrix it makes the whole updating them when a patch rolls around a doddle. Just tell it to Update all and you are ready to go :)


Well-Known Member
I can't remember when I started using add-ons, but I reckon it was problably round about the time that I first joined The Haven on Umbrator back in my high 40s/early 50s (when Ronin Storm was the GM and the guild was a few dozen people in total)... at first I used on a tiny number, and only to help out a few things... MobInfo2 was one I remember using waaay back.

At some point, I started using more and more mods... and I can say now that the development of the Ace framework and independent Libraries is probably the best thing that's ever happened to my WoW install :P

I can cope without mods now, for the most part... if I'm on Arithidrimme, all I truly need, per se, is PallyPower and Omen (assuming I'm doing group PvE). But I consider most of the mods on my list to be mandatory for me, and several of them to be mandatory for guildies.

Sort-of important bit!

On the guild wiki, at the bottom of the main page, is a bit about mods, raiders go read it!

The guild mod-pack has changed, and the mods you need to bring to raids have changed. Make sure to pay attention to it.

And everyone... please.. for the love of all that is good... install RatingBuster or an equivalent mod. I may start killing people if every raid we get "is this better for me...?" comments >_<


Active Member
I would say that for a dps character addons are much less important that for healers such as myself. I have to monitor the health of the whole raid, be prepared to dispel anything I can, must keep myself in range of all the people if at all possible, druids need to have some sort of HoT tracking addon to properly roll Lifeblooms or Rejuvs on multiple tanks... This would be a very hard work without proper addons.


Junior Administrator
Blizzard have recently stated that they want to take a look at both the healing UI and also the way that the affliction lock UI works, as they feel that both are very difficult to do with just the default UI (dot timers, easy way to see buffs, etc.) and while such things are easily achieveable through mods the default blizzard UI should be able to cope with such things :)

I would put up the sources but mmo-champion seems to be not responding atm


Well-Known Member
Aye; when you're main source of damage is DoTs, you need a proper way to keep track of them, and the default UI just isn't enough. Similarly, how's a healer meant to properly keep track of debuffs, HoTs and the like without mods? It's doable, but difficult and tbh not that much fun compared to if you have just one or two simple mods.

'bout bloody time they did something :P