Fun little network storage device for as little as £55, which you can make into a little linux box.
For those into the technical (i guess that means all who are interested at all...)
All in all, it looks like a fun little thing to play around with.
(they're working on other network storage devices as well, it seems) said:It is designed to share up to two USB HDs or flash drives to a small network using Samba. You can of course flash a replacement firmware on it, and from there, the sky seems to be the limit!
For those into the technical (i guess that means all who are interested at all...) said:The NSLU2 has an Intel IXP420 as its processor. Currently NSLU2's are supplied with a B0 stepping IXP420. This is a stripped down version of the IXP425 and therefore does not have any of the cryptographic features or extra interfaces. The XScale core inside the IXP420 is based on a ARMv5TE architecture and is rated for 266MHz operation. As supplied by Linksys, it runs at 133 Mhz and can set for 266MHz operation using a simple modification. Due to limitations of the IXP NPE access library and microcode at the time of release, the NSLU2 runs in big endian mode.
All in all, it looks like a fun little thing to play around with.
(they're working on other network storage devices as well, it seems)