Ok, most of you have covered everything before Ive gotten a chance to post :/ but anyway... Im in support of nuclear power. Fair dos, its dangerous if not correctly handled or disposed of but when given due attention and thought, I dont really see any better way of power production. Lets look at the alternatives.
Coal/Oil fired power stations? Burning fossil fuels isnt exactly helping the atmosphere. The CO, CO2 and sulphur deposits that are released produce greenhouse effects, acid rain etc. Which, in time, will produce far worse effects than a radiation leak miles below the surface of the ocean. Especially coal. Coal has a lot of suplhur contained within if it isnt very pure. Sulphur mixes with rain in the atmoshpere, sulphur is acidic making the pH of the rain lower = dead trees and wildlife, damaged buildings etc. Also, weve all seen the pictures of beach graveyards where tankers have spilled there load of oil, nasty stuff. Finally, oil stocks will have depleted completely within the next century or two; coal, faster still.
Natural gas-fired stations? Not much wrong with burning natural gas environmentally-wise, but natural gas is even more scarce than oil and coal. Gas is estimated to be depleted within the next thirty or so years, which is rather worrying. Especially since the British government have commisioned the construction of several new gas-fired power stations.
Solar plants? Not everywhere in the world has enough sunlight to produce the amount of electricity required, and trying to supply it from hotter countries would result in massive power loss in the cables.
Wind generators? Dont produce nearly enough power, would require vast farms to produce the electricity, and good gusts of wind are not guaranteed. Also have to take into account the NIMBY effect. (Not In My Back Yard)
Wave/tidal generators? Have a massive impact on in-shore marine life, preventing schools of fish and others from accessing beaches. Dont produce a convincing amount of power either.
Hydro-dams? Potentially way-of-life endangering ( the Aswan Dam in Africa had a large effect on the River Nile, resulting in loss of fertile farmland and throwing hundreds of thousands of dependant people into poverty) and also, large, powerful rivers are hard to come by these days.
Piacular said:
Firstly, uranium has been around since the geological timescale began. It's a natural mineral and is always radioactive.
Secondly, dumping radioactive waste into the sea is dangerous. There are no barriers to stop contaminated water from spreading around the globe. Why do you think radiation doesn't travel as far in water? Maybe because it's absorbed easily by it! Besides, why dump it in the sea when you can give it all to China
Firstly, uranium itself (in its natural form) is actually quite stable. You can hold it safely in your hand without any worry of radiation. Its once you make the nuclei collide and the nuclear reaction starts that you need to worry.
Secondly, dumping radioactive waste in the sea is relatively safe. The water absorbs the radiation, yes, and transforms it into heat energy which dissipates safely.
Giving it to China isnt exactly a super idea either. Itd probably end up coming back to us in a cruise missile. The main reason North Korea wants to build nuclear power stations isnt to power the lives of its people, but to harvest the radioactive waste which can be processed into a weapon. Oh, and yes I know the China idea was sarcastic