Offline - Not that you'll notice ;)


Active Member
Hey folks,

I'm getting ready to move house this week, although there's an unfortunate twist. Our new house isn't ready yet so I have to stay at my gran's for at least a fortnight as the new tennants want to move in on Friday. That means no internet for probably nearly a month. Not that I've been too active on the forums lately, still to let those few who care know why I've dissapeared :)

So I bid you all farewell until I'm back online in a new shiney house with hopefully a new shiney computer desk and compfy swively chair :rolleyes:


Well, see you soon matey! Get shiny new house with internet soon!


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Good luck KC hope it all goes well, just leave a few "presents" for the akward people moving in after you :)


Who needs luck when moving into a house :S.

Anyway hope you get your t'internet back soon and have fun at your Grans house :).