As a lot of you know I play quite a few Browser games e.g. Mercenary Lords, Inselkampf and Zeldrex (Used to play Travian and Astro Wars, but not any more).
Anyway Duren was talking about this game and it seems quite a few people on IK play it.
Browser Based games don't take long to play, when you start off you will probably only be on for a minute or 2 to upgrade or build structures or an Army.
Not very exciting you may say, but I enjoy them and they only take a few minutes.
Here is some info on Ogame
Ive formed a THN alliance on planet 19 so sign up if your intertested and join in .
Anyway Duren was talking about this game and it seems quite a few people on IK play it.
Browser Based games don't take long to play, when you start off you will probably only be on for a minute or 2 to upgrade or build structures or an Army.
Not very exciting you may say, but I enjoy them and they only take a few minutes.
Here is some info on Ogame
Ogame said:OGame is a game of intergalactic conquest. You start out with just one undeveloped world and turn that into a mighty empire able to defend your hard earned colonies. Create an economic and military infrastructure to support your quest for the next greatest technological achievements. Wage war against other empires as you struggle with other players to gain the materials . Negotiate with other emperors and create an alliance or trade for much needed resources. Build an armada to enforce your will throughout the universe. Horde your resources behind an impregnable wall of planetary defences. Whatever you wish to do, OGame can let you do it. Will you terrorize the area around you? Or will you strike fear into the hearts of those who attack the helpless?
In OGame, YOU are the emperor.
Ive formed a THN alliance on planet 19 so sign up if your intertested and join in .