So this evening, when calmly trying to reply to a post from the comfort of my mobile transponder device FS215S (That'd be my laptop) I noticed:
"Oh god, electric death in right hand!"
Now my first responce was that obviously this was Piacular's doing, probably with 1337 RCON skills. However checking serenity revealed that in fact no-one was orchestrating the string
So this drew me to one final conclusion, "Oh sweet mother of Nanor, my laptop is attacking me in some way"
My first responce to this problem was to illustrate it via MS Paint:
Anyway, I soon discovered that I was getting shocked from part of my headphones : http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B00001W0DD.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg
now looking at that photo, you'll see that it's two caps screw together, however when using the mini-jack (Headphone) there's a gold screw bit left exposed, apparently this part hates me, and in between sending waves of Ninja's and Goatse.jpg to attack me, it'll send me little shocks saying "HELOOOOOO would you like some Dutch porno??"
Now normally it's not a problem, as I connect via some speakers anyway, but in occasions of lasyness like now, it go's in-directly to my laptop. Should I be concerned about the occasional 9v shock?
Should we be concerned about goatse?
Gentlemen, the time is upon us!
"Oh god, electric death in right hand!"
Now my first responce was that obviously this was Piacular's doing, probably with 1337 RCON skills. However checking serenity revealed that in fact no-one was orchestrating the string
rcon exec admin.shockfishy.1
My first responce to this problem was to illustrate it via MS Paint:
Anyway, I soon discovered that I was getting shocked from part of my headphones : http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B00001W0DD.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg
now looking at that photo, you'll see that it's two caps screw together, however when using the mini-jack (Headphone) there's a gold screw bit left exposed, apparently this part hates me, and in between sending waves of Ninja's and Goatse.jpg to attack me, it'll send me little shocks saying "HELOOOOOO would you like some Dutch porno??"
Now normally it's not a problem, as I connect via some speakers anyway, but in occasions of lasyness like now, it go's in-directly to my laptop. Should I be concerned about the occasional 9v shock?
Should we be concerned about goatse?
Gentlemen, the time is upon us!