Oi! Who nicked my post reply butons?


New Member
Well, my post reply buttons at the top and bottom of each thread have gone.
So, has anyone seen my buttons? I miss them :(

I'm on THNBlue2 (scaling) BTW.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
You'll probably notice that they aren't there in any of the 2-series styles, but they still exist at the top of the thread in Amber and at both top and bottom in Blue (soon to be extinct).

Why? Well, for better or for worse, we're hoping that by getting users to use the "Reply To" button on each post they'll have a tendency to reply to a specific post rather than just any old post and that this, in turn, will assist those using the site in threaded or hybrid modes.

Does it work? There are mixed results, for sure, and some really dislike the change.

What am I going to do about it? I'm still thinking on that, when I can. Nothing immediately, but it does mean I'm leaving Blue around a little longer while I think.


In Cryo Sleep
I agree 100%

I dont think it's fair to change something like this when there are more people, according to the poll, who use linear than who use threaded. Threaded is not default so people who use it should ahve to live the concordent mess.


Active Member
What if we want more people to use threaded or hybrid mode? It's a better way of arranging replies and posts and can help people to know who is replying to who and what.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Gopha said:
The majority use linear

To be fair, the majority of those who voted, which isn't the same thing, necessarily. :)

Looking at this the other way around, what's wrong with the "Reply To" buttons for you?


In Cryo Sleep
Oh nothing, I dont mind using either, I dont see it is a problem at all, tis easy enough to use

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Gopha said:
I dont mind using either

That's interesting to me, thank you.

Ultimately, I think that some sort of "Post Reply" button needs to return because, I suspect, it's a bit confusing having nothing there. However, I do want to consider the needs of a significant community as well, and for threaded users the ability to just reply ad-hoc is actually pretty disruptive.

Removal of the "Post Reply" button has improved that a fair bit for threaded users, but at the expense of a little confusion and relearning of the linear community. My sense is that it's a little too far the other way, now, and that something needs to be put into play to balance the field again.

That balancing something... still working on that. :)


Staff member
So we using threaded can stop quoting the post we're replying for those using linear, then?


I refuse to be subjected as a minority

Long live organised conversations, down with post reply!



In Cryo Sleep
Well, at the moment ive realised that If you use the quote button then you just delete the quote and There ya go! The old post reply screen is there with all its icons etc!


Click the quick reply button, and then click "Go Advanced" at the bottom. Only 2 clicks instead of a click, a select, and a delete :)


I completly agree, but only those on threaded know to whom I'm agreeing with.

On a serious note, couldn't hybrid be made the default, thus giving a taste of both methods?


Junior Administrator
Fi$hy said:
On a serious note, couldn't hybrid be made the default, thus giving a taste of both methods?

I really dont like threaded so I wouldn't use it :p

I'm intelligent enough to realise exactly who is saying what and to who in a post... the this that annoys me most about the lack of the post reply buttons is simply that if I have been away for a while, come back to read a 5 page thread, and a specific post I want to reply to is on the 2nd page, I really cant be bothered to go ALL the way back there and press that specific button. It's an ergonomics thing... So instead of that I'm just gonna hit the closest reply button I can find and write my post there.

Why? I don't see why I should waste time navigating through shedloads of pages just to make it look slightly nicer for people who use a view which I personally dont like. And it's alot of effort.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
thatbloke said:
a specific post I want to reply to is on the 2nd page

Query: How do you identify what you are replying to if, say, the post is back a few pages but you are actually replying to that and not something in the last few posts? Do you quote your reply?

(This isn't a loaded question, just wondering)


Junior Administrator
Ronin Storm said:
Query: How do you identify what you are replying to if, say, the post is back a few pages but you are actually replying to that and not something in the last few posts? Do you quote your reply?

(This isn't a loaded question, just wondering)

I would state in the post I make that I am replying to the previous post... either providing a link or quoting the relevant sections...

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Thanks, thatbloke.

Related query: Do you copy-and-paste from the post you're ready to reply to when you see it so that you are ready to reply when you get to the end of reading?

What I'm getting at here is whether there was some nifty way for me to provide, say, a little tick box saying "yep, that's something I want to reply to... oh yeah, and that too..." and do something useful with that information. I guess I'm trying to figure out whether you see something and think "I'll reply to that in a minute" or whether you read everything and then think "hey, I'll put a reply together and while I'm at it I'll address this... and that...".

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Thank you for these responses. They're really helpful to me.

thatbloke said:
read the whole thread first

One last question (I believe)...

Would you say that you're usually replying to the thread as a whole or that you're often picking out an individual thought in the thread and replying to that?

The distinction, I believe, is that the first would imply you'd be replying to thoughts held in many previous posts, where the second would imply more surgical responses to specific thoughts.

It does strike me that you might answer "but I do both", but worth a try... :)