Hey, all, 
I have something to share. (Please note that what follows is in no way meant to be any sort of protest or whining or any other type of objection.)
Ever since I have joined the Haven, I have had the opportunity to invite maybe three or four people into the guild. Alas, every single time, it has gone wrong.
Two of those invitees were RL personal friends of mine who informed me they were about to start playing regularly, and whom I would thought would make a good fit with our community. As it turned out, they played regularly for all of one week, both of them, and the game has since dropped off their radar.
The others were people I played with extensively as I was first levelling, people I could (and still can) vouch for, but unfortunately, people with whom I miscommunicated in some way, and whose plans I either misunderstood or inadvertently misrepresented... (The most notable case being that of Iraian, who managed to leave for Ferus on the same day I invited her, but who I stil hope to get into the Haven...)
My criterion for deciding on whether someone was fit to invite has always been whether the person is someone I can vouch for, in some context. Unfortunately, it would seem that my vouching has been less than reliable, and for that, I appologize to the guild.
That said, I am hoping that the current ban on new members is not due to my invitation failures. I'd hate to see the Haven miss out on decent people because of my bad luck.
Lastly, I have gotten in the past and continue to get questions and requests for information about our guild, and yes, the occasional request to join, which I have generally politely declined, with the exceptions noted above. As such, I would like to ask whether the ban on new invites is just a temporary reorganization thing or if it is something meant to last.
Again, not complaining, just sharing my misfortunes.
P.S. It is my understanding, on the other hand, that if someone were to make an effort to come into the forums and get involved with the THN community on some level, they would then be welcome into the guild as well.
Please correct me if I'm wrong about this particular detail.
I have something to share. (Please note that what follows is in no way meant to be any sort of protest or whining or any other type of objection.)
Ever since I have joined the Haven, I have had the opportunity to invite maybe three or four people into the guild. Alas, every single time, it has gone wrong.
Two of those invitees were RL personal friends of mine who informed me they were about to start playing regularly, and whom I would thought would make a good fit with our community. As it turned out, they played regularly for all of one week, both of them, and the game has since dropped off their radar.
The others were people I played with extensively as I was first levelling, people I could (and still can) vouch for, but unfortunately, people with whom I miscommunicated in some way, and whose plans I either misunderstood or inadvertently misrepresented... (The most notable case being that of Iraian, who managed to leave for Ferus on the same day I invited her, but who I stil hope to get into the Haven...)
My criterion for deciding on whether someone was fit to invite has always been whether the person is someone I can vouch for, in some context. Unfortunately, it would seem that my vouching has been less than reliable, and for that, I appologize to the guild.
That said, I am hoping that the current ban on new members is not due to my invitation failures. I'd hate to see the Haven miss out on decent people because of my bad luck.
Lastly, I have gotten in the past and continue to get questions and requests for information about our guild, and yes, the occasional request to join, which I have generally politely declined, with the exceptions noted above. As such, I would like to ask whether the ban on new invites is just a temporary reorganization thing or if it is something meant to last.
Again, not complaining, just sharing my misfortunes.
P.S. It is my understanding, on the other hand, that if someone were to make an effort to come into the forums and get involved with the THN community on some level, they would then be welcome into the guild as well.
Please correct me if I'm wrong about this particular detail.