While I'm passing and thinking about such things I've added a small modification to the board to allow players of World of Warcraft to add their characters to their profiles and have these link through to the Armoury.
In User CP / Edit Profile, scroll down to the bottom and find the "World of Warcraft Characters" bit. Fill in the details following the pattern detailed above the box, one character per line.
I've added my old, most advanced WoW character in as a sample. Once a few of you have your details in I'll clean my profile out again.
Have fun and let me know if you spot any issues with this.
In User CP / Edit Profile, scroll down to the bottom and find the "World of Warcraft Characters" bit. Fill in the details following the pattern detailed above the box, one character per line.
I've added my old, most advanced WoW character in as a sample. Once a few of you have your details in I'll clean my profile out again.
Have fun and let me know if you spot any issues with this.