One guilty pleasure...


In Cryo Sleep
On the great albums and great songs threads I had various things popping in to my head that I really love but that are far too shameful to admit in forums designed to showcase our immaculate good taste. So in this thread you have to admit your darkest (or rather your lightest, poppiest), most shameful secret pleasures. I'll start...

My name is Bradstreet and sometimes I listen to Britney Spears.


In Cryo Sleep
Now then, Midge. No insulting other people on my thread if you're not prepared to admit your own shameful secrets... tell!


In Cryo Sleep
Ewwhhhhhhh Nanor, you sick buoy! We all know how you really are (BILF ftw) My guilty pleasure? Not really sure tbh, Nanor's mum? :p


New Member
My guilty pleasure?

-Looks through the masses of random links and events in past life-

I roleplay, and ONLY roleplay with female characters...


... and have been doing so since about 1996