Onyxia Raid - Tonight


New Member
At 8:30pm tonight I will start inviting for a pug on Onyxia. Raid to start at 9pm.
Whilst this is very short notice, I know this event will go ahead.

Dont miss this chance.


Staff member
Ooooh, I think that may spawn a parallel challenge ... doing the entire Onyxia quest line in 2 1/2 hours starting from 6pm :)

Four suicidal madmen required - be online for 6pm and we'll see how far we get.

Be sure to study the quest line as it'll be a rapid run.

Sign up on the Calendar to take part, first come first served.

NB those who are already attuned are welcome to come along - your experience will help speed the run up and hopefully you'll have fun as well.


Well-Known Member
I swear that the gods of computer gaming love to piss me off; everytime something major is going to happen that I want to go to (stuff like this raid, the ZG raids, loads of AQ stuff, MC stuff, etc etc), I have no ability to get onto WoW... ANGER!


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Necro post. So did this happen? How did it go. I still would like to see Onyxia.


Staff member
nope, but a few of us did get attuned instead so it was definately a worthwhile night.