

In Cryo Sleep
The 1,000 horsepower Bugatti can accelerate from 0 to 60mph in 2.5 seconds.

omg y on earth would you want to go that fast! oh yea I know!



Junior Administrator
Problem was it went from 60 to 0 in 0 seconds.....Boom!

Yes i've always thought that, doesn't matter how fast you can go when you hit that tree (or whatever) then thats a big insurance premium. Its like a fear of heights this is irrational , what you actually have is a fear of ground. The height won't kill you most of the time its the ground that'll do it


Staff member
According to that link it was an 840 pound car ... nice to see tabloids setting their usual high standards.


In Cryo Sleep
Oh, so it does :D Can you blame them, it'll be some tired, wasted office worker typing this stuff out, I won't begrudge him a typo or two (although, its not often a typo makes £800,000 pounds worth of difference). I noticed that the Record has been making a few spelling mistakes recently, and even some photos with the caption not written in. I think I might migrate to the Times or Herald if they keep that sort of thing up, its more like a gossip mag now than anything else (and I hate gossip mags. read about other people's lives because your own are so drab and dull!)