OpenTTD Insanity


Junior Administrator
Was browsing around the other day and came accross this savegame file

Download Here

If you have openttd installed on your system at the moment, then I really recommend stopping and taking a look, because it's incredible!!!

(Hint: Over 2000 trains)


Well-Known Member
I had it installed before my last reformat (Lost my awesome train networks :(), care to post pics? :)


Staff member
Awesome, though I do see trains that are stuck indefinitely...

I've had an urge to get a game of this going again, who would be in?


Junior Administrator
Awesome, though I do see trains that are stuck indefinitely...

I've had an urge to get a game of this going again, who would be in?

If we can make the time match, then hell yeah.

The major question here, if coop/competitive.

Personally I love the coop aspect of TTD although it helps if you have a reasonable amount of cash. If we could run it over a few days, then we could perhaps run a day's competitive, then switch to coop on the most profitable company (removing all assets of the other companies)



Another possibility if people want to do coop would be to change tack and find a suitable save game from which to start out from (Ideally, reasonable numbers of towns, lots of money, and very little infrastructure (Might be a few on oTTD wiki I believe)


Super Moderator
Staff member
hmm i should probably update my oTTD server and see where it's at. i have a feeling all that was missing was a settings file that can be copied over from the client. i'll give it a prod later and see what's needed


Junior Administrator
Might be worth googling for TTD auto pilot. The main advantage to us here, is that it can automatically pause the game if no one is playing or the number of people falls below a threshold!