operation Flashpoint Editing


In Cryo Sleep
well yes this thread is old school already just from the title but i have come accross certain mods and addons that make the game even more amazing than it already was, so i have started making my own missions and doing a LAN with my friend and its all good.

however i have learnt certain scripts and shit to get the most out of the game but there is something i cannot crack, how do you start a mission with your squad already loaded up in a chopper or truck without the chopper or truck being part of ur squad?

can any of you old school OFP gamers help me please?

rep to the person who provides the best way :)


Staff member
erg wow... You should've asked me four years ago, I would've known then :p

I have a vague memory of something to the effect of guysName.MoveInCargo(trucksName) or moveInCargo(guysName, trucksName) or something in one of the init scripts. I can't help much beyond that. I remember that the official editing forums had a lot of good info, have you tried a search there?


In Cryo Sleep
thanks BiG D not sure if it has worked but ill give it a go :)

the forums arnt realy helpful for what im looking for but you find some stuff that seems cool


I think the method I used to use is

1.) Make the chopper as a US chopper which comes complete with pilot. Set the chopper to be nonplayable and to have it start in mid air I think you need to put

this FlyInHeight 150

into the thing's init field. Also give it a name like heli1

2.) Make the squad.

3.) Put into the init field of the leader of the squad:

group1 = group this; “_x moveincargo heli1" foreach units group1

or to do it one unit at a time put into each unit's init field

this moveincargo heli1

Incidentally, I think that moveingunner should work to move a speciffic unit into the gunner's position too.

THE best place for editing tips/info is



In Cryo Sleep
hey dude thanks but i found the answer on some website, might have been that 1, well at least somebody understands flashpoint :)


Well, if someone else comes on here lookign for Flashpoint infor they'll have something to read now at least.