

Junior Administrator
A free spaceflight simulator

A review, by DeZmond



Note: This is not a game in the conventional sense; people expecting a laser light show will be disappointed! You have been warned.​

ORBITER is a free space flight simulator that has been independantly developed for several years now, and is making good progress. The program aims to offer realistic spaceflight, as well as a realistic simulation of the solar system and the physics that holds it all together. That physics is what prevents this from being a conventional game.

If you go to the official website, you're able to download some of the modules required: the core module, and I'd highly recommend downloading the hires textures unless you have a geriatric PC or an antiquated internet connection.

So... on to the graphics. They are, in short, pretty good if you install high-res textures. Without those, much less so. It'll run on geforce 2 -spec cards, so I wouldn't expect there to be many problems when running the engine.

The actual spaceflight can be hard work. Usually the first few flights barely get off the ground, and once you've got off the ground you'll usually end up back on it much sooner than you anticipated. The reason is, as mentioned before, the realistic physics model. These things are hard to control, as you will soon discover!

As this is a realistic simulator, you'd expect to be able to do some of the things you've always dreamed about being able to do on your PC - I am of course talking about shuttle and rocket launches! Yes, the shuttle has a subsection of scenarios all to itself, from missions at the ISS to launching and re-entry.

This game also has, surprisingly, a thriving mod community. For example, there's a Firefly mod in progress (the official ETA is the end of this week!) and also mods for the Apollo missions, Star Trek, Star Wars, and just about anything you can think of.

So assuming you have a small amount of patience, there's no reason not to dive in. Go and get downloading! :)


Junior Administrator
The ultimate reason to get this has now arrived: the firefly mod is now available for download! YES!

Get it here:

It's slightly larger than the TV and movie version, but looks so damn amazing that no-one should even care. Also there is a working version of the firefly drive (expect to go flying at ludicrous speeds) and the shuttles are also flyable and dockable - you even get a cool 3D visualisation thingy to help you navigate the shuttle to serenity. :)


Staff member
That is the coolest thing ever. I even managed to pull a crazy ivan... Straight into the ocean. So I'm not exactly Wash, oh well, it's still amazing :D


Junior Administrator
Yeah, I noticed that you can move the engines independantly of each other, which is so cool- you can do a VTOL! Woo!

Also the fact that you can use the two shuttles with firefly is amazing, especially the way that you can only see the holographic guide markers if you approach firefly from the right side and angle... :D

And I've also managed to crash the firefly sooo many times by using the firefly drive in low orbit... the consequences are... interesting ;). Having said that, if you want to go spaceward after flying about the atmosphere for a bit, you can't beat it - it's like firefly episode 1 (serenity) all over again (but without reavers!).

By the by, there is also a mod underway to create the firefly universe to fly about in, rather than just the solar system. :)