Organise some raids damnit !!!


Staff member
Its rant time :)

Speaking to Twisto and Duren last night about the guild not raiding - I was asking if they thought the guild would grow big enough to raid. I've since realised that that is the wrong question to ask as the guild can run raids and pull members in from AO and bloodpact or just run open raids.

The question should have been - who will run the raids ?

We need you - all of you to think about what raids you can run and where you would like to run them - then you need to make it happen. Without some motivated people in the guild putting in a bit of time quite simply raiding will die.

So, organise something - try it and see if you like it - nobody is expecting you to be an expert over night but at least give it a go and see what you can oganise for the sake of the guild if not yourself. The guild will be a much better place with people making things happening rather than sitting around waiting for something to happen for them :)

As always thoughts / opinions welcome.


In Cryo Sleep
Its rant time :)

Speaking to Twisto and Duren last night about the guild not raiding - I was asking if they thought the guild would grow big enough to raid. I've since realised that that is the wrong question to ask as the guild can run raids and pull members in from AO and bloodpact or just run open raids.

Ok let me start here. I still believe that the priests in our guild is lacking, its not a necessity for some things but for bosses etc, it is! I'm also talking holy priests here. This is not a dig its a reality. Shadow priests cannot do the amount of healing or give the benefits that holy priests can. We currently have some low level priests getting up the levels though right now they are not up to raiding standards.

If on the other hand you just want to do rep runs, then its pefectly viable for the current members of the guild to do this.

The question should have been - who will run the raids ?

We need you - all of you to think about what raids you can run and where you would like to run them - then you need to make it happen. Without some motivated people in the guild putting in a bit of time quite simply raiding will die.

Right now we are still doing UBRS runs etc it is doubtful that this will die. Though I do think we need more runs organised even for the small raids as well as the big raids ZG, AQ20 or whatever it is.

In lead up to this I have some prerequisites that we need to put in place before we can get ourselves upto what I think are -raid standards-

1. Everyone within the guild must be signed up and check the website. even if it is for the calender.

2. Teamspeak. Everyone must have TS even if they don't have a mic. They have to be able to hear what is going on typing is slow and it makes it awkward for people to react to what is going on when they have to type as well as speak. Lets simply make it mandatory that everyone must have TS installed and setup to get them onto

3. Responsiblity?


It should be the responsibility of these people to make sure that things are in order within the guild and that the recruiting process is smooth and sort out any problems/disputes within and outside the guild. They will also have the same responsibility of the officers.


Officers will be recruiting members for the guild. These are our frontlines for recruiting. We need to put this as a priority for our officers and also promote some more officers for this purpose if needs be. It will also be the responsibility of the officers to make sure that the new recruits are signed up to the website and also have TS installed and setup on the new members machine and they have successfully connected. Letting new members know about our policies etc.

It has been voiced by you before haven that we are all about quality and playing with people before asking them to join... I'm afraid this is going to have to be scrapped. It is hindering our growth, we will be forceful in kicking people if we have problems with them but we have also got to remember to be fair also.

So, organise something - try it and see if you like it - nobody is expecting you to be an expert over night but at least give it a go and see what you can oganise for the sake of the guild if not yourself. The guild will be a much better place with people making things happening rather than sitting around waiting for something to happen for them :)

As always thoughts / opinions welcome.

My thoughts I've given above :)


Staff member
Shadow priests cannot do the amount of healing or give the benefits that holy priests can.

Not bragging but I outhealed all AO's "holy" spec priests the last ZG run and was second top healer after an impressive druid who healed a stupid ammount. I also died a hell of a lot less than the other healers.

There are healers in bloodpact and AO, druids and shaman are also healers - priests make up a part of the healing team but we dont do it on our own.

Yes everyone likes to bitch slap shadow priests and tbh I've ceased caring - I'll let the stats speak for themselves.

Re: only allowing quality players, I stick by my belief here - nothing has changed and you know how I feel about this. This thread is about getting people to get off their ass and organise things, I see the recruitment as a seperate issue to that. But, now that I've handed over guild leadership this isn't my call anymore. You know where I stand and thats not likely to change but I feel you are ignoring the fact that we have a huge pool of players to pull from who are not in our guild. We dont have to recruit into the guild before we can raid - we can raid right now !


In Cryo Sleep
And there are some encounters that shock... horror... require a shadow priest.

Of course, thats naxxramas... heck.

Although you may argue that talents are irrelevant if the player is good enough and that in many ways gear often plays a larger role, in a raid PVP classes are rarely seen with often only one present or available if needed for a specific encounter. In the limit time i have had raiding, I can tell you that PVP builds are next to useless if you want to have a modicum of success in anything above the first few bosses in ZG.

It is a personal choice though, you can either prove the utility of your chosen talents or respec to a more raiding friendly build. If you have the core of raiding friendly builds, filling the extra spaces with pugs wouldn't be a major problem.


In Cryo Sleep
the short of it is this. We need people active and we need to push people or they don't do. Its as simple as that. The amount of people replying to this post on the forums is show of hands enough. We need all 60+ of our WoW guild members up on here posting.


Leveling, will join or maybe even make raids if we dont get a raidleader as soon as I'm 60 :)


i dont mind going around the web learning about aq20/zg mobs and bosses and try and lead a raid or two =]

will take sometime to get it right but as toyota says:
"Practice Makes Perfect".



Well-Known Member
Similarly I wouldn't mind leading raids, but I have a sneaking suspicion that were I to lead one that started having trouble, I might end up going on a "CRUSHIM WTF?!" tangent :P


"That's a fucking 50 DKP MINUS!, WTF? was that SHIT!"

LOL funny clippp....

well i said that the first times it won't be perfect so...

lots of dkp minus hehe


Well-Known Member
Incidentally, if I do end up leading a raid and going off like that, please PLEASE someone make sure it gets recorded.