Our first guild meeting proposal!


Well-Known Member
This is an ideas post on when we should have our first guild meeting and what we should do in it.

For those of you who don't know, guild meetings are were all characters in the guild meet up and chat about important things in character! I suggest we go somewhere remote, like somewhere in Durotar and having a meeting. What could we talk about? Donations, suggestions, raids? What's your thoughts?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Nanor said:
guild meetings are were all characters in the guild meet up and chat about important things in character!

So, eventually getting back to you on this...

I'm not sure what we really have to talk about, in character. MMO environments, I find, can be problematic for online RP beyond the very simple stuff, and real discussions can often be best held offline to reduce interruptions ("d00d, duel plz!") and distractions ("ooo... look! herbs!").

I've found from previous MMO play that online meetups benefit strongly from having a specific game focus -- raid here, complete quest X, wander round bashing stuff and mining... doesn't really matter, as long as it makes use of the game mechanics. Getting people to sit still and just talk, IC, just seems to bring out the naughty children... :)


In Cryo Sleep
I propose that our first guild meeting be to lead an expeditionary force from orgrimmar to booty bay via all the big flight paths.

This will be a fun guildy thing to do, and given the level make-up give players easier access to various different places/herbs/quests.

What do you think?


Junior Administrator
Loki said:
I propose that our first guild meeting be to lead an expeditionary force from orgrimmar to booty bay via all the big flight paths.

So you mean getting on the zeppelin outside Orgrimmar, going to Grom'gol, then into Booty Bay? Or am I missing the point here???


Staff member
I think he means finishing in booty bay after we've got all the flight paths on the continent.


In Cryo Sleep
That's exactly what I mean,

A continental crawl, with the members of THN grouped up for protection from the elements.


Junior Administrator
Actually, there may be a place. The Alliance-controlled Rebel camp at the very north of Stranglethorn Vale. May be worth checking out...