Our first Haven 20-man raid


Well-Known Member
Right, I'm trying to get a ZG raid running this weekend; been talking to the Ashen Order and they have a RL meet-up this weekend so there won't be many of them around, and likely the ones left over won't be able to make their own raid, so we might be able to use them as extras to pad out our numbers if necessary.

To sign up to the raid, go here: http://wow.thehavennet.org.uk/raid/

I'm only going to allow Haven people in until I'm sure that we don't have enough to pad our numbers out to full.

If you want to join the raid, I must insist that you have CT Raid Assist (you can get it from www.ctmod.net), and that you have everything you need, so we can get it off the ground as quickly as possible.

Invites will begin around 5:30 and the raid will begin at 6 (both of these are server time). Unless we stop before then, I will have to break up the raid at midnight UK time (1 am server time).

If this goes well, we'll repeat it on the sunday and hopefully get a decent amount done.

We will be testing our DKP system, although it won't be recorded in our DKP roster unless I can figure out how to get the damned thing working.

...well, I think that's all... make sure you tell all of the level 60s in the guild that its happening, and direct them to the raid roster, please (I'm aware that many members aren't on the forums yet, something I'll have to see to another time).


Well-Known Member
Gonna have to push it back a week, seeing as we don't have many people able to find the raid calendar, and not enough of the new recruits are signing up to the forums.

Once the raid calendar stops messing around with me on this computer I'll move the raid back a week.

Really hope I can get the raid going next weekend... I'm getting towards the stage where I might follow in Secord and Zeutan's footsteps and leave for a larger guild (in my case the Ashen Order)...


Staff member
Mmmm well I'm still around and up for raiding. Do what you need to do to enjoy the game mate although you'll be missed loads if you do move on.


Well-Known Member
Just to poke you a bit, haven; the php raid system is being weird and I can't alter existing raids or make new ones atm.


Staff member
Ok well I am giving Duren full access to the web directories and he is going to have a look this week. With my new job and silly ammount of work there is not a lot I can do right atm although I will help out where I can. Let us know how specifically it is "being weird" and we'll do what we can to fix it and make it pretty.


Well-Known Member
I've looked at the raid calendar again, and there is deinetely something wrong with it; I still can't edit existing raids, or create new ones. Can someone help me solve this ASAP, as I need to get an entry up for this weekend's raid quickly; it's no good me moaning at people for not signing up fi they can't sign up ;)


Staff member
At work atm so limited ammount I can do right this second but I'll take a look if I get a moment.


Well-Known Member
Don't worry, its back to working properly again now.

The new raid entry is up on the phpraid site (wow.thehavennet.org.uk), make sure you sign up.

If we just fall short of the number of people we need, I will be inviting Ashen Order and Blood Pact members along.

Let's make this work, people!

Could any Officers/Captains please remind our 60s to sign up to the forums and at the very least direct them to the raid calendar; I really want to make this work!


Junior Administrator
Though I have no experience with php i'll see what i can do :D

I might have to (erk) make something in Frontpage or some other webpage maker. So assuming thats ok i'll give it a go in a bit :)


Staff member
I'm just after a static index.html mate. No php needed at this stage. Just pretty graphics, nice css and some html will do nicely.


Junior Administrator
er, Windy you screwed up the times with the raid entry for saturday. I'll let you figure out whats wrong ;)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, just spotted that.

And now for bad news... I've just recently found out that I won't have any access to a computer over the weekend. And I won't have *any* access to World of Warcraft after Friday until either I get back to university from christmas, or until I get my laptop back, whichever is sooner.

To be blunt, this REALLY sucks. I can't attend the very raid I've been pushing for, and I can't play anything for several weeks... that is pretty much hell to me.

If someone could possibly run the raid instead of me and keep it working, then so be it, but otherwise...


Staff member
Yup will do my best to cajole and bully in your stead, I'm sure some of the regs will help out with organising and maintaining the ranks. Sad to see you cant make it but you'll be back soon I'm sure.


Junior Administrator
I will not be available for the Saturday but it is *possible* that i will be available for the Sunday. At least part of it anyway...

I am gonna work on getting a front page up for our WoW section tomorrow and I also have an interesting proposition lined up for our guild too... so read my other post and then tell me what you think.


Well-Known Member
Just wondering how the raid went, if it happened. Oh, and I'd like to say that the php raid site is being buggy again... doesn't load some of the images and doesn't load in the buttons for editing or creating raids... really weird...


Staff member
It was poo, the first rule about raiding is that you don't raid with someone who can not tank (or in our case three such peeps, all fury or arms spec.).

The second rule of raiding is that you raid with more than 2 healers!

The third rule of raiding is that haven gets very grumpy when everyone constantly badgers him mid raid about "Items" that they deserve to be given exclusive access to or when he gets his "pull back now" order over ridden and half the team dies needlessly.

The fourth rule of raiding is that haven is not going to be raid leader for a while for the above reasons :) i.e. if its not fun then I wont do it.

That is all.


Well-Known Member
Ah, well... at least *something* happened... any bosses downed?

I'm planning to try doing the leading myself when I get my computer back, and mid-raid bagering or people trying to override me (and thus making Umbra very grumpy) will result in kickage of DKP loss.

(Speaking of DKP, if nobody has any objections then I'll try implementing the DKP system I was ruminating on before in another thread when I can get back...)

I might be in danger of turning into a "CRUSHIN WTF" type leader 0.o

Well... nothing more to say really, other than the fact that I'm going to give Evesham Microse an angry phone call tomorrow lunchtime "asking" that they hurry th hell up and get my laptop back to me, as I know it's been fixed and there is no reason for it to not be back in my possession as I type this.