Our Guild and the future


Well-Known Member
The past few days I've been on WoW guild chat has been pretty.. poor. We've had various racial slurs mentioned, and things like "Press alt f4 for monies! LOL". It's making me actually contemplate leaving the guild which I really don't know what to do.

I say what we do is become really strict, and only invite level 60+ to show we are a serious guild and we're not just a cruise 'til you get to 70. Thoughts? I'm hoping high levels may have a bit of maturity..


Staff member
Do whatever makes you happiest mate, ultimately its a game and hence about fun. If the guild cannot be made a fun place to be (whatever that means to you) then you have to decide if you play for other reasons instead or move on.


In Cryo Sleep
Ugh. I wasn't there to witness it (Been levelling an alt/working), but that sort of thing sounds like it merits a warning at the least. However, I can't comment on things I didn't see, as there may have been other circumstances involved.


Well-Known Member
How about instead of inviting people straight away we meet in character and have a chat with them. If they show any signs of not RP'ing or being an ass we don't invite them?


Well-Known Member
I'm going to have a serious go at people who degrade guild chat from now on - bear in mind, though, that Jigoku wasn't using racial slurs, Nanners, he was repeating a line from South Park.

I don't think I'm going to impose a limit of inviting low-levels, but I'm thinking about some kind of screening... no random inviting will be allowed, as I shall tell all the Officers.

Also, people just saying "Invite <name> to the guild." in GC will be met with "Be polite when asking things like that. Oh, and NO." in future.


In Cryo Sleep
bear in mind, though, that Jigoku wasn't using racial slurs, Nanners, he was repeating a line from South Park.

Erm, one point. When he started he said the word once then said it like t h i s to attempt to bypass the swear filter he obviously didnt know how to turn off. Nanor then just said please dont say that word again its a slur etc. Then in every reply he made he made sure to use the word out of spite i.e.

Why can't I say ____.

___ isn't a bad word.

___s call themselves ___s so it cant be that bad.

Thats what pissed me off with him.


In Cryo Sleep
people unfortunately become keyboard warriors when they feel they can say whatever the hell they want from the comfort of their room far away from getting an actual slap. It has spawned a new age of ignorami (is that a word?). I usually put them straight in place either by PM or in front of everyone if they are being arsey. Who was he, a new comer? what age is he? Does he need an example made of him?

Not to sound harsh but you can generally tell what sort of person they are when you ask them to refrain. If they are lippy, I'd generally get rid of them straight away.


I was involved in one of these incidents and I am very sorry for any trouble I have caused but we were half way through Wailing Caverns and a blue comes up I am not very rich and it sells for about 60s so I see that a lvl 13 (can't remember her name) needs it so I need it and then she started calling me words that I would not like to mention and then she kicked me out of the group so I got kicked out of the instance this agrovated me and then she started to bring this argument into the guild chat and she kept calling me names and you know when people constantly call you names you reply so thats what I did and then I nearly get kicked out of the guild I personally think this is unfair that I got all the blame but I know that I said some things that I should not have said and I am sorry for putting anyone through this so I sincerely apologise to those involved.
cheers, Eamo (hordehandler)


Junior Administrator
Put simply... if you aren't gonna use the item, you do NOT need it. that is the unwritten rule of WoW (not just us, the WHOLE GAME) and needing an item just to sell it for gold (especially if it is Bind on Pickup) will make you VERY unpopular with ALOT of people.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Totally agree with Thatbloke Eamo.

If you want to be able to play WoW successfully remember it is a Massive Multiplayer game. It is all about what impression you give to other people. If you are all about yourself you will not get on well.

1. Do not roll NEED if it does not fit your character. Especially if all you are going to do is Sell it. This will get you the reputation as a ninja. This is not a good thing.

2. Especially do not do it with your guild. Guild members like to think they can trust other guild members.

3. Do not worry about money as much, it is all relative. You can get alot just by selling anything grey you pick up along the way.