


awwwh what evil parents......... took them ages to help the poor guy!!!

still made me laugh though :p


In Cryo Sleep
Listen kids, dont mix trampolines wif basketball hoops unless your a trained Slamballer!


In Cryo Sleep
Hey thats strange, my mate was showing me this just last night. One conclusion: you visit the same site and it gets updated regularly. Wimp.com


Well-Known Member
Pubic_Warrior said:
hahaha look at him rolling around in pain, what a cock lol

I know! Who rolls around in pain after breaking your leg on a basketball ring and hanging there for about 10 seconds? What a tard..


Edit: Wasn't reffering to PW as a tard..


In Cryo Sleep
That is sooooo fly on that guy. He thought he was ace at basketball... Until.. ATTACK OF THE HOOP THAT CAUGHT HIS LEG!!! Oh, I feel a script and everything coming on. This could be a hit blockbuster classic... Anyway hilarious and mean. Just the way i like it :)


In Cryo Sleep
Gopha said:
Listen kids,

KIDS!!!! Your only 14 mate your a kid! Dont try and act like your the wise one :p Or ill slap you with some neg REP!

Piacular said:

Every time I see his foot go through the hoop I cringe :eek:.

Yeah you know its gonna happen every time but ya still cringe :p


In Cryo Sleep
Yea. So I'm not wise either but by the looks of things I would advise people not to mix basketball and trampoline. Results= broken limbs, lots of pain and sadness, not being able to go on a trampoline again and people talking about what an ass you made of yourself :)


Just wondering, but did anyone else watching that video hear the massive *Crack* as the boy hit the trampoline after hitching his entire leg? It might have just been the standing hoop against the frame, but it sounded pretty sickening...