Paladin buff reminder


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

Can you advise on the best/simplest mod for popping up an alert when I need to re-do my blessings on myself and a party member?


In Cryo Sleep
Pally power, it gives a nice easy display with all party members. Shows buff time remaining and goes red when it runs out. Also pretty essential for raiding, as all paldins can sort each others buffs out on it.


Well-Known Member
In before Lithy points out it's mandatory for all raiding paladins to have Pally Power :p


In Cryo Sleep
In the event you weren't entirely convinced: Pally Power.

Since I got it it's been (pardon the pun) a blessing, to the extent I get annoyed when paladins in my party don't have it, for whatever reason... it's a real pain discussing what blessings to hand out, some people find it easier with the aid of diagrams to get it through their thick skulls what's requested of them -.-


Well-Known Member
Well that's for raiding, but for the short term I was hopinh for something simpler since it's only me and my wow-wief in a group..


Active Member
PP should work just as fine in these situations, no?

Or, alternatively, you can set XPerl unit frames to show the remaining time of buffs on people and set it so that it only shows buffs you cast, so you basically would get an icon below the person's frame for every buff (blessing) you cast on them with a countown to expiration. Granted, this does not pop big message across your screen when the buffs expire, but it gets the job of tracking them done pretty well.

But get PP :)


Super Moderator
Staff member
Here is a list I've made now regarding buff mods for paladins.
  1. Paladin Buffer
  2. Pally Power

These are the two updated ones that I know work at the moment.
For more Paladin AddOns. Check ->here<-
Remember to check when the addon(s) was/were last updated before downloading.
Also: Reading the comments on the selected addon's page may be helpful if you have any questions regarding such things as bugs, etc.


Well-Known Member
PallyPower is the only mod you'll ever need for a Paladin, really. It can handle auras, greater blessings, regular blessings, Righteous Fury, and it might be able to handle Seals as well (can't remember). Any other mod is... well, utterly unnecessary.


In Cryo Sleep
Yup, Seals as well. Just right-click on the Righteous Fury icon. You can set the seal by scrolling while mousing over it.


Well-Known Member
Yup, Seals as well. Just right-click on the Righteous Fury icon. You can set the seal by scrolling while mousing over it.

Informative Paladin is informative!

I've never had much use for the Seals part since I only ever use two; Blood and Corruption :p

Kind of a shame really... would be nice if the Seals were all usable properly at 80 with varying utility...


In Cryo Sleep
Meh I use Seal of Rofl

With a glyph it means that holy shock heals the entire Universe for 50K if used on a friendly. If used on an enemy it one shots them, tears open a Rolf-rift (scientific term) inside them which causes there Sphincter to explode catastrophically.

Needless to say, i don't holy shock enemys anymore, its a tad messy.

Seal of wisdom with the glyph is great too :D