Pat Robertson!


Well-Known Member
Has been talked to by God! Apparently, God has told him of a mass killing. He said God didn't specify if the attack would be nuclear, but he believes so.

So? Did he actually have an apparition or such, or is he just trying to get attention? Or is he just.. crazy and believes he saw it?

And in other news, the dude looks like a squashed version of George Bush:


In Cryo Sleep
He's trying to bind his followers through fear with this "prophecy". Scary. Scary and cult-like.

On the bright side even the american religious conservatives themselves have mixed opinions on him. The fact that none of his past "predictions" have come true doesn't speak for him, either.

Nanor: I'll ninja-edit for rep! :)


Well-Known Member
... well wouldn't be to bad for the Americans to learn their lesson ... (no offense to the American guys here @ THN you are all veeery cool ;) )... maybe it sound harsh ... but it will be better for the world if they learn that they are not superior to others as soon as possible ... and as the peaceful way is not working ... well everybody knows what happened at Sodom and Gomorrah (damn it is that written correctly?)


In Cryo Sleep
Nobody deserves a terrorism attack, if that is what you mean.

Relax, with the senate and house of representatives already in democrat hands, Bush has his tied behind is back anyway.


Well-Known Member
Nobody deserves a terrorism attack, if that is what you mean.

No I don't mean that. The only thing I wanted to say that it would be better for the world if America stopped feeling to be superior. Sure they don't deserve it, nobody does that, but I'm afraid it doesn't seem like they will learn it the other way.


Well-Known Member
Yes probably if it is something like 9.11. But if they'd openly loose a war or something they maybe would finally see that they are not superior. (Actually they allready lost the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars ... but they do not wanna admit/see that) And I fear that there is no other way of téaching them.