Patch 3.0.8 and Patch 3.1 : Infoahmayshuns! (warning: long post is long)


Well-Known Member
Lots of people have been asking about patches over the last few weeks, common questions including ones about what's changing, when Ulduar is coming, when certain patches are being released, etc etc.

If you just want to know what's happening in the coming patch, either check the links in the bit just below this, or scroll to the bottom for my summary!

Where to find detailed info on 3.0.8

People who want more detailed information I direct to either MMO Champion or World of Raids; between the two of them you can find out most any changes as they're announced/found and see the important Blue Posts (posts by Developers and Community managers on the official forums).

People who want to know all listed details of an upcoming patch, you can usually find it on WoWiki. The page for the relevant patch will have all listed documented changes, and usually a page for Undocumented Changes, which can often be very important as well. For people wanting to know all the current stuff for the patch, check this page, but be warned; it's a LOT of stuff both documented and undocumented, so it's a lot of reading. The link to the undocumented changes are near the top of the page at the right hand side.

What about Patch 3.1?

Patch 3.1 is going to be a major content patch, as with all new version numbers like this (3.0.8 is a smaller patch, as denoted by the second decimal in the version number). There's a fair few things that are happening in it, and somethings that might make it to that patch (or shortly after it). Being a major content patch, it'll take more time for it to be made and tested, and since current focus is on 3.0.8, don't expect 3.1 for a couple of months yet.

Things that ARE happening in 3.1:
-The raid in Ulduar is being added. - Some of you might have seen the big green raid portal in the Ulduar area of the Storm Peaks, near the Halls of Lightning and Halls of Stone. This is where Ulduar will be, which is going to be a large, multi-boss instance. Blue posts have mentioned such things as PvE Siege Content included, and the screenshots I've seen have shown some fair diversity in the instance architecture (it's not all just more Halls of Lightning/Stone architecture throughout). It'll have 10 and 25 man versions like all raids in Wrath, it'll be a tier of gear up from the current raids (some Tier 8 models are in the game files already), and it'll need you to be in gearing from Naxxramas, the Obsidian Sanctum and the Eye of Eternity. It's also been promised to be harder than the current raids, but not monstrously difficult.
-Warlock changes, which will apparently include a revamp of the soul shard system. Almost no details yet, but they know that the current system needs changing. They're also wanting to buff Demonology to make it as competitive in raids as Affliction and Destruction.

Things that they've said MIGHT make it in:
-The Dance Studio, for lack of a better name, which will let you choose how your character dances when you use /dance. Apparently you'll be able to mix and match various moves to create a finalised custom dance. Tauren doing the Belf male's "Napoleon Dynamite" dance, anyone?
-Healing revamp; they might do this in 3.1, maybe later. But the way healing works is going to be changed in a big way, although there's no details yet...
-Professions changes will happen, but there's been no real talk of what. Possibly higher sets of gear to be crafted, new gems, glyphs, etc. Maybe engineering still stop sucking, who knows.
-Dual-spec ; if you don't know what this is, you need to move out of that cave and start browsing the intarwebs!

There's other "might make it in" stuff I didn't include, and I'm sure I missed some stuff that's been guaranteed to make it in, someone shout if you find the stuff that Blues have confirmed!

When are the patches coming?

Patch 3.0.8 is "close"... I don't think they're going to push it back much further since it has some sorely-needed changes in it. It's almost certainly not out this week, but next week is a good possibility. A good rule of thumb is: if they've changed the current PTR build within a 5-6 days of a schedules maintenance (the one in the small hours of Wednesday mornings), then chances are good that it won't be that week. They typcially like to test it for a week before release, although if any critical changes are in the patch that can't be hotfixed, they'll push it faster (seen it a couple of times).

Patch 3.1 is one I've been asked about/seen a lot of questions about as well. Long story short, don't expect it for about a couple of months yet. There's hardly any released info yet on the patch, and not much info on the Ulduar raid that's being added. Raids typcially need a lot of testing and tuning, and from what I've read about the way they plan to test it on the PTRs, I'd guess that it's not going to be a fortnight-long process. Getting it before April is a reasonable guess, in my opinion.

What's in 3.0.8?

A quick summary of some of the documented and undocumented changes as of the time of this post (some stuff may change, especially the undocumented stuff). Remember that this is NOWHERE near all the changes, it's just the ones I think are most worth mentioning now. There's lots of talents/ability changes that I haven't listed below.

General changes:
-You can make DKs on any realm as soon as you have a single level 55 character anywhere.
-If you cast a DoT spell on a target, it's instantly tagged as yours; no more people stealing Warlock/Shadowpriest DoT'd mobs!
-LOADS of new graveyards in Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor (over 60); shorter corpse-runs all round!
-You move much faster while in spirit form when you're released from your corpse.
-Bonus Armour mechanics are changing so that bonus armour on items beyond the base armour won't be multiplied by Druid forms or a DK's Frost Presence
-Racial mount restrictions are gone, so you can use all the mounts of your own faction; this mostly affects Tauren (who couldn't use most Horde mounts) and the Gnome Mechanostriders (which most Alliance races couldn't use).

-Ritual of Summoning is changing so that for one shard, you summon a meeting stone type device that anyone in the party/raid can use. Just like a meeting stone, two people use the stone to summon other members of the party/raid to their location. Only the initial cast by the warlock costs a shard, summoning people through it won't cost the warlock anything. No more draining soul bags to get people to the right place!

-Feral attack power is changing... it'd be better to check an official source for a proper explanation, but long story short, you're not gaining or losing any damage output, plus you'll now be able to use Polearms whilst other classes will be able to use formerly Feral staffs.
-All druids get Swipe in Cat form as well now, so Feral DPS druid can contribute a bit to AoE on trash packs

Death Knights:
-Many new Sigils and changes to some existing ones
-All abilities that cost more than one rune to use will generate 15 runic power rather than 10
-DKs will generate twice as much health through Blood Aura/Presence
-Horn of Winter is free to cast, also generates 10 Runic Power, but has a 20 second cooldown
-Howling Blast and Pestilence had their cooldowns removed
-Raise Dead has been split into two separate spells: "Raise Dead" for your own ghoul and "Raise Ally" to let a dead party/raid member fight as a ghoul for a short time. Separate spells, cooldowns, and one doesn't override the other.
-Icebound Fortitude is inherently much weak but scales with defense now, so it's no longer an on-demand massive damage reducer for non-tanks

-Any Hunter ability with a cooldown of more than 30 seconds isn't on the global cooldown anymore
-Aspect of the Wild (the nature resist one) is now raid-wide rather than party-wide
-Explosive Shot is much stronger but only affects one target now
-Deterrence changed so that it's 5 second duration, 60 second cooldown, and will give you 100% parry and 100% spell deflection for all attacks coming from your front.
-Steady Shot now uses 10% of your Ranged Attack power rather than 20%
-Volley does 30% less damage for all ranks (this includes how it scales from your attack power)
-Kill Shot cooldown is now 15 seconds, down from 35 seconds.

-Arcane Blast completely reworked. It'll still cost more mana with each successive cast, but for 10 seconds after casting Arcane Blast, your next Arcane spell that isn't Blast will do 15% more damage per stack of the Blast buff, up to 45% more damage.
-Evocation is now on a 4 minute cooldown, and the "Arcane Flows" talent reduces the cooldown by a further 1 or 2 minutes (1 minute per point)
-Slow Fall can be cast on other people
-The "Pyromaniac" talent in the Fire tree now gives 30% mana regen while casting instead of reducing fire spell costs by 3%

-"Hand of Reckoning"; a new spell which acts as a single-target ranged taunt that does very minor Holy damage so as to break most CCs when taunting. It might also act as a ranged single-target pull.
-Divine Protection no longer has an attack speed penalty
-Divine Shield no longer has an attack speed penalty, but reduces ALL damage done by the paladin by 50% for the duration of the shield.
-Judgement of Light now procs from ranged attacks, and the healing done no longer generates threat
-Judgement of Wisdom now restores a % of base mana rather than total mana
-Avenging Wrath neither causes nor is affected by Forbearance
-Divine Protection, Divine Shield, Avenging Wrath and Hand of Protection (when cast on self) all have a 30 second shared cooldown
-Seal of Blood/Seal of the Martyr do 27% normal weapon damage (up from 22%)
-Vengeance stacks 5 times once more, up from 3.

-Circle of Healing now has a 6 second cooldown
-Abolish Disease and Cure Disease can be cast in Shadowform. No more excuses for Shadow Priests!
-Mana burn now burns a % of the target's mana, not a set amount
-Vampiric Embrace no longer has a mana cost
-Levitate can be cast on others

-Fan of Knives cooldown is removed, and it deals 150% of weapon damage while daggers are equipped

-Fire Nova and Magma Totems no longer generate threat, and Magma Totem does more damage and scales more
-Large number of changes to the Elemental tree to increase their damage output and scaling: includes many talents requiring fewer points spent for the same effect and the addition of a new talent called "Shamanism" which increases the benefit of spellpower for Lightning Bolt and Lava Burst. The changes are enough that it's likely that Shammies will get a free respec on patch day
-Tremor Totem lasts for 5 minutes instead of 2 minutes

-Titan's Grip no longer has any hit penalty at all
-Taunt now has a 30 yard range


-Old flasks no longer require an Alchemy Lab
-Transmute : Titanium cooldown reduced from 4 days to 20 hours, with fewer needed materials
-Northrend Alchemy Research cooldown lowered to 3 days
-Ethereal Oil recipe now taught by trainers
-Research can teach a new recipe: Elixir of Water Walking, which requires the new Ethereal Oil

-Many materials requirements changed
-Armour Plating can be made for shields, which increases Block Rating

-Recipe for "Kungaloosh" added, taught by a drunk in the Dalaran Sewers after the "Taste Test" quest in Sholazar
-Requirements for some Cooking achievements changes so that people can actually earn the "Chef" title
-New recipe for Fish Feast from the Dalaran Cooking Awards recipes; Fish Feast is like a more powerful version of the normal Feast. Needs 450 cooking and 5 awards to purchase and learn
-New recipe for Warg Tartare from Dalaran Cooking Awards; gives hit rating and stamina

-A huge number of Northrend-level enchants have had their materials requirements made cheaper or different. Too many to list, but most can be found at here
-Icebreaker enchants for weapons now does more Fire damage
-Berserking enchants for weapons now reduce the armour of the wielder by a smaller amount than before on-proc
-New recipes for Stamina on bracers and weapon

-Reduced cooldown and increased effect on Hyperspeed Accelerators
-Gnomish Lightning Generator has a shorter cooldown and is now instant cast
-Saronite Bombs produce more bombs for the same cost as before
-MOLL-E is now a blue-quality item, lasts for twice as long, and has an 8-hour cooldown (down from 1 day)

-A vendor in Dalaran has appeared who will let players trade 1 Ink of the Sea for any lower-level inks, or 10 Ink of the Sea for one Snowfall Ink
-A few new Glyphs added, many old ones changes, many DK ones buffed

-New ability called "Icy Prism" to combine a Frozen Orb and several green-quality gems to create 2-3 random blue-quality gems.
-All blue-quality (rare) gems can now be bought in Dalaran for 10 Emblems of Heroism

-All Epic leg armours now require Frozen Orbs to make
-Two new epic Spellpower leather recipes added

-You only have to "tap" a vein once to get all the ore from it, rather than multiple times. The amount of ore, gems and motes/crystals will be the same as multiple taps from one vein would have been.
-Toughness now gives Stamina instead of Health

-You gain more crit from the top two ranks of Master of Anatomy

-Only 2 Bolts of Frostweave are needed for each Bolt of Imbued Frostweave
-The costs of Spellthread (both the tailor-only and the for-everyone versions) are reduced
-There is no longer a cooldown for Spellcloth, Primal Mooncloth or Shadowcloth (TBC materials, not Wrath ones!)
-Ebonweave is now made at the Black Dragonshrine and Spellweave at the Azure Dragonshrine, rather than their previous locations

-More spells and abilities affect vehicles than before (all CCs and snares will still have no effect, though)
-All "Deadly" Glad gear requires 100 less Arena Rating than before
-Wintergrasp rank mechanics have changed
-Wintergrasp Marks of Honour can now be traded in for epic PvP helms, boots and trinkets
-Wintergrasp walls, cannons, vehicles and the fortress door have much more health, but the Titan Relic is instantly usable
-Strand of the Ancients vehicles and cannons have more health
-Tenacity gives less effect than before

-you can hand in Relics of Ulduar to the Sons of Hodir in stacks of 10 for 250 reputation
-the Wintergrasp aura that players gain when their side holds Wintergrasp now refreshes properly in instances (no more losing out on shards)
-updates to the Achievements interface to allow filtering and suchlike
-new interface for talking with GMs
-two new Kirin Tor rings have been added; the same price as the existing two ones, but with different stats

Loooooong thread is long. This isn't nearly all the stuff in the patch, just a small sampling of important stuffs. If you want to see all the changes, check the links near the top of this post!


In Cryo Sleep
Hooray to the shammie changes. I thought I was going to have to spec resto if things stayed as they are.


In Cryo Sleep
god! the mining one click change is gonna b a fun change, definatly lookin forward to that :)
And +blocking on sheilds now, form an orderly cue pls palanoobs!


Well-Known Member
The latest build on the PTR now apparently supports this stuff...


That does sound quite awesome.. but also headache-inducing!!

I was trying to find out on their page how it works, and what sort of gfx card or monitor you need to support it.. but all they have is an auto-check thing which is no good when I'm at work now is it!


In Cryo Sleep
I've seen a news somewhere showing a monitor that can support that 3D thing. Not sure if you can do it on "normal" monitors.


Junior Administrator
That does sound quite awesome.. but also headache-inducing!!

I was trying to find out on their page how it works, and what sort of gfx card or monitor you need to support it.. but all they have is an auto-check thing which is no good when I'm at work now is it!

I as found ze requirements! They are as follows:

Minimum system requirements
  • Microsoft® Windows® Vista 32-bit or 64-bit
  • Intel® Core™2 Duo or AMD Athlon™ X2 CPU or higher
  • 1GB of system memory. (2GB is recommended)
  • 100 MB free disk space
GeForce 3D Vision-Ready displays devices
  • Desktop Displays
    • Samsung® SyncMaster 2233RZ 120 Hz LCD display
    • ViewSonic® FuHzion™ VX2265wm 120 Hz LCD display
    • 100 Hz and higher analog CRTs
  • Projectors
  • GeForce GTX 200 Series
    • GeForce GTX 295
    • GeForce GTX 285
    • GeForce GTX 280
    • GeForce GTX 260
  • GeForce 9 Series
    • GeForce 9800 GX2
    • GeForce 9800 GTX+
    • GeForce 9800 GTX
    • GeForce 9800 GT
    • GeForce 9600 GT
  • GeForce 8 Series
    • GeForce 8800 Ultra
    • GeForce 8800 GTX
    • GeForce 8800 GTS
    • GeForce 8800 GT
Note: GeForce 3D Vision currently supports 2-way NVIDIA SLI®. A future driver update will support 3-way and Quad SLI.

Basically you need at least a 100Hz monitor, at least an 8800GTX, a Dual core processor and Windows Vista


Well-Known Member
Basically you need at least a 100Hz monitor, at least an 8800GTX, a Dual core processor and Windows Vista

HAHHAAHA, Vista. Big fail on their part rolling it out only for that OS. I mean come on, how many people are still on XP? Loooaaads I bet.

Personally I'm skipping Vista completely.