Pay2win games !! ??


Planet side2 and now BF3 has joined the bandwagon.

What do you think of paying money in order to upgrade your player to improve chances of success in the field?

Origin have various pay for upgrades for BF3 but the one that got me was paying £24.99 to get every single upgrade available!!

your opinion?


Well-Known Member
if a game's implementation of a 'pay2win' cash shop is simply allowing you to 'skip the grind' and nothing more, i personally have no issue with it.

that is to say, that as long as everything you can pay for is also attainable through normal gameplay, and it doesn't drastically throw off the game's balance - like in APB for example, where 'premium' stuff is literally better in every way than normal stuff, and unattainable through normal gameplay.


Junior Administrator
In both of these situations they are simply shortcuts - everything that you can unlock you can unlock through gameplay, and a not unreasonable amount of gameplay either...

consequently I have no issue with it


Active Member
Its just a way of bringing games to the people who have little downtime from well paying high hours jobs. At least, that is how it could be justified, that other people have disposable income for it is just a consequence.

Its nice that people who can only spare 2 hours can be in line with those who have 10.

Ultimately, if you don't pay what have you lost/gained... Nothing. :) As psi said, if there is something tangible you have lost then it is poorly executed.


Well-Known Member
Most things unlockable are balanced in some way as to not be game breaking when u fork the money over for them. I mean blacker bought shiny new camo which is good because he is more camouflaged against the terrain but also bad because he looks like a dirty NC soldier and gets teamkilled 100 times a night. See al balanced.

I find for things like battlefield and Planetside, the only way to keep my interest is by making me want new things. If I can give over money to achieve those things I feel like the game lost something. Especially in planetside where you can take a province one mintue and then lose it the next, the only real sense of standard progression i'm feeling is in the cert system.


Active Member
The running lights are great until the platoon leader says lights off we don't want to be seen. Well Lol he hasn't played the game at night on low gfx settings. Turning the lights off does not make it harder to spot a sunderer with ammo sign on top.


Junior Administrator
consequently I have no issue with it

I'd agree with bloke on this one. Nothing in BF3 you can pay to unlock is unique. So long as anything I can pay for I can legitimately earn on my own, i'm reasonably happy with this state of affairs. The best thing about the BF3 "pay2win" as you put it was that it only released at least 6 months after the initial game release. This means people who are late to the party don't end up in game where they CAN'T compete because they only have the low level weapons. Obviously this comment depends greatly on skill level of the individual concerned, but it does open the game up to be more accesible. It's up to you to decide if this is for the good of the game. Personally I think it is, as it's a requirement for continued updates / BFnext

Havn't really looked at what the payment options were on PS yet, so no comment


Junior Administrator
I'd agree with bloke on this one. Nothing in BF3 you can pay to unlock is unique. So long as anything I can pay for I can legitimately earn on my own, i'm reasonably happy with this state of affairs. The best thing about the BF3 "pay2win" as you put it was that it only released at least 6 months after the initial game release. This means people who are late to the party don't end up in game where they CAN'T compete because they only have the low level weapons. Obviously this comment depends greatly on skill level of the individual concerned, but it does open the game up to be more accesible. It's up to you to decide if this is for the good of the game. Personally I think it is, as it's a requirement for continued updates / BFnext

Havn't really looked at what the payment options were on PS yet, so no comment
The other thing with buying the unlocks on BF3, you only get the weapons. As far as I could tell you don't get the unlocks for each weapon, that's only on the vehicle packs.