PC screwed up due to windows splash screen change!

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Just got this software that changes the windows splash screen.. Fired it up and put a nice star trek one on. Restarted system. Bios came up, and then just before the splash screen would normally appear it comes up with the screen that allows you to select safe mode, last known good configuration or start windows normally etc. Great, but my bloody keyboard doesn't work!!! So it just restarts as it's knackered. It keeps doing this!!!!

The thing is that the keyboard works fine during the first part of the bios, so I can enter setup using delete... I'm using a USB keyboard, tried wireless via usb and a ps2! I am lost!

Any advice on how to fix, or shall I just try and format and reinstall XP?

[mod]Locked thread as per colrob's second post. Glad you got it working! :) //DeZ[/mod]


Sorry, delete this thread, problem fixed!!! Tried a different ps2 keyboard and it works!
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