If you still RP then what do you play and whats new and worth a look at?
Well, then, this, this is a tall order! (Not to stretch the point too much, but it's almost like asking, I haven't been to restaurants in a few years, what's worth trying...)
Anyway, what I currently play, have very recently played or will, in a very near future will play:
- DD3.5, DD4 (these were made to address the same type of play experience, but 3.5 starts to break down at around level 12...)
- The Shadow of Yesterday (indie game, and my all time absolute favorite RPG ever)
- Solar System in a Wild West setting (Solar Sistem is a clone of TSoY developed to be setting-agnostic)
- Dogs in the Vineyard (indie)
- PrimeTime Adventures (indie, and so far, the bestest bestest ever game I've ever found to play with inexperienced role players)
- Bushido (totally tradidtional, and actually, we've just abandoned our campaign and there are no plans to pick it up again)
- Legend of the Five Rings (to be honest, we're still trying to get this one off the ground, as we've drifted it a bit)
- Burning Wheel (indie, and very, very crunchy)
- Storming the Wizard's Castle (indie)
You'll notice there's a lot of indie stuff in the above list. This is because I have found that the so-called "mainstream" RPGs (if there is such a thing as mainstream in an industry that's totally niche to begin with) are really all alike.
Yes, that's right, ADD2, White Wolf stuff, Cthulhu, Warhammer, ShadowRun, and even L5R, they are all the same game. Or at least, the same play mode, which I have come to call "traditional RPGs".
I have a big 4-part rant about the problems and limitations of traditional play:
Now, there's a lot of different directions I could take this thread, like the differences between ADD2, DD3/3.5 and DD4, or the indie vs mainstream, or the traditional vs non-traditional, or what sort of different things there are to draw fun from in a face-to-face session, or even full-blown RPG theory.
But, since this is your thread, not mine, I'd rather ask:
What do you want to know?