

In Cryo Sleep
If you havent noticed but recently petrol and diesel have become soooo expensive, In my local garage my dad was filling up and he noticed that the price had gone up 3p in just 1 week! and that is alot, isit the same in other parts of the country?


Ok, I'm from the Reading area (quite expensive at everything) originally, and I go to uni in Southampton, so I see the prices of petrol in both areas. Reading is SO expensive. It broke the £1 mark when the prices went up a while back, but settled back down to around 94-96p quite soon after. Southampton is about 4-5p cheaper usually, so never went above £1, which is good.

Now, prices around Reading ar 99p, with some places at >£1. I only noticed this when I went to Southampton on wednesday and saw the petrol was 96p!

So yes, it's going up, a lot, which is sad =(


Junior Administrator
Staff member
pHatBambi said:
£100.9 is about the standard price on the island at the moment. :(

100 quid????? That's a lot per litre or gallon :D

It's better up north, (especially here since we are near to Stanlow Refinery.) Price tends to be cheaper than down south. Drove down to London one time it was 92 up here 99 down south.


Junior Administrator
Yeah it seems my petrol drinking days are over :p.

Seriously though, roll on the vegetable oil!


Well-Known Member
I remember seeing a pic, where Diesel costed an arm, Petrol a leg, and 5 star diesel your first born


New Member
Thats his trade. Some people deal in money, he deals in babies. Must be all that Guinness ;)


In Cryo Sleep
that alcohol petrol has just made the news here as part of the global challenge week!!!

the governmetn are tying to make us be more green!

fair enough i guess


Junior Administrator
Staff member
I just wish they would make the public transport more viable and then we would tend to use less petrol!


Spare a thought for the poor Venezuelans who pay an extortionate 12 cents per gallon - that's £0.018 per litre. Poor bastards


In Cryo Sleep
OMG just spent 4 days in Bradford, and that is quite high up north, petrol was 95p and diesel was 93:eek:


In my area (Belfast) most places are 99.9p for both but some are 101p