Got me a copy of Wrath of the Lich King from the missus, and my parents pitched in on my latest automobile repair bill.
Other than that, I got the Nârn i Chín Húrin (Tale of the Children of Hurin), by Mr. J.R.R.Tolkien, and the complete set of Narnya novels by C.S.Lewis.
I also got several metal and wooden puzzles, which I get every year, and which usually solve within a matter of a couple of minutes, though this year folks looked for the most difficult they could find, and as thus, they still elude me.
The wife and I received countless household parafernalia, such as a wine decanter, a designer tea kettle and several other use(less/ful) items, I got a couple of shirts and a cshmere necktie from my dear, yet unimaginate aunts, and the whole bundle was nicely complemented by assorted curiosity items, such as an automatic card shuffler and other junk.
Oh, and like you, bob, I too got a Rubik's Cube, for nostalgia value.

Maybe now I'll figure out how to solve the damn thing.

(No tips and spoilers required, thank you!)
All in all, good loot.