Photoshop Tutorials?


Well-Known Member
Anyone know where I can get Photoshop Tutorials? I mean ones for absolute noobs. I recently obtained a copy and have no idea how to use it. :)


Staff member
Your best bet is to buy yourself a good book. There are plenty out there. Amazon is worth a look.

Or use the tutorial disk that you get with the product. It has some excellent movies on it that show you basic and intermediate functions and tools. Probably best to start there actually...


In Cryo Sleep
I personally hate buying books to learn programmes like this.

If you are in any way inquisitive and have good basic understanding of the way programmes like this work you are best off working from tutorials.

I personally brought two biannual copies of tutorials from computer arts (one for Photoshop one for Illustrator). Once you understand the basics these are a great way of learning some more advanced skills.

They also do a great range of free online tutorials that can be found on their website.

Check it out.

I picked up my first copy of PS at your age and just taught myself by playing around with the programme.

If you need any help just ask.

Hope this helps.


Best site ever for photoshop tutorials and many other tutorials here

I recently got Photoshop and didn't have a clue about it, but that sight lets you search for certain things e.g. Grunge sigs etc. Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
Thank you all very much. Expect to see your heads on some po.. on the Mona Lisa.. yeah..



In Cryo Sleep
I wouldn't get into that game Nanor. I'm much more proficient at PS then you currently are.

I'm pretty good at "shopping" people.

Used to be a uni pastime. :D