Physics Phun


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hey, :)

Sorry, not photoshoped.

And the reason I know it wasn't photoshoped is that I saw a smiliar demonstration, made by my physics teacher, when I was in 12th grade.

I'm afraid it's quite real...!



Active Member
That's creepy. Someone who is studying Physics with me told me about this guy on youtube. I had forgotten until I saw your post!! Very useful information to keep bookmarked :)


In Cryo Sleep
Hey, :)

Sorry, not photoshoped.

And the reason I know it wasn't photoshoped is that I saw a smiliar demonstration, made by my physics teacher, when I was in 12th grade.

I'm afraid it's quite real...!


S'okay. I know its not actually photoshopped! I used to have a little one as a kid. Tis surreal watching it essentially levitate! Its fun watching them stabilise in aeroplanes as well when you start them cos they have some magic thing to make them spin up in a really low friction environment and it all goes wobbly, and then stays still.