Pirates of the Burning Sea.


Well-Known Member
Hello reader of posts! Before we begin I'm going to slap you with this:

"What games do pirates play? MMOaaaarrrrrrPGs."

Now that that's out of the way I'd like to introduce you to an MMOarrPG called Pirates of the Burning Sea. I chatted to Gizmo a while back about the prospects of swashbuckling and me naming my ship "My Throbbing Penis" and that it would be pretty fun to break a ship in two with My Throbbing Penis.

It looks pretty good. The graphics aren't whoa but it's been in development for a few years, and it's good to see a company more focused on gameplay than graphics. From what I've read from this preview (I suggest you give it a good once over) it's pretty different from other MMOarrPGs.

The game tries to give you quests other than collect 50 monkey scrotums and attempts to liven it up, like, as mentioned, when a town your in gets attacked by NPC pirates and it's an instance all for yourself. Foot fighting is still very standard. Push a button, wait 'til it recharges, repeat. I was hoping it would be more along some swashbuckling sword fighting and swinging from ropes with a knife between your teeth, alas it isn't, not yet. Ship combat is where the game shines. If any of you have played Pirates by Sid Meier you'll know that type of combat. For those of you who don't it's where you manoeuvre about along the wind firing cannonballs in the direction of the enemy ship. You can do this or you can attempt to board the enemy ship where you face it off with the enemy captain for booty.

I know very little about the game but I am looking forward to giving it a try. Here is their website where you can get more information.


Staff member
PLayed the beta over christmas, asked around a bit if anyone wanted to join up but noooo.

Anyway: it wasn't that good. Shame, really. The missions (of which there are a quadrillion) more or less are the same ones, in the same environment (actually the same map, whenever you enter a cave, for example, or the forest, or a house), over and over again. And you really need to do them (at least to begin with) to get your xp. and it's very very boring. there's ONE multiplayer mission (that's super fun! compared to the sp missions). Then, there's the economy part. That actually looks like fun. Shame it's not really explained at all.

So, to sum up: The beta is over (i think?) but it shouldn't be. The game isn't finished. There's so many things that are wrong with it (that were pointed out by the beta players, of course) that it's not very fun to play. It's actually the only mmo that i've stopped playing because it's _boring_, not because I need to study, or sleep, or something like that.

The only reason to get the game this early, as opposed to waiting until it's been patched a few times and is actually fun, is to get the really cool boats and stuff early, I guess. And get your boat-building shop set up. Etc.