Pirates Vikings n Knights 2


In Cryo Sleep
Yep, pirates on the internet, in a mod... for the steam engine...

and i totally love it :D dunno what it is, but this mod is so cewl in many ways.
Dunno if anyone of you ever heard 'bout it, but it rocks.. there are a few downsides tough:
-Small amount of players, the community is far too small
-Teamkillin' retards (As seen in most FPS)
- Far too skilled players, People that play ever since the game was still an idea (ye, an idea) They read your every move, play like predators and are impossible to take down by newcommers.

But then again the upsides are:
-Vikings, they rock.
-It's free
-Most of the community are kind fellows
-It's free
-Combat system rocks your boxors on mondays, saturdays and sundays.
-It's free
The game is awesome, i've been playin' it for a while now.
Doesn't look too hyper like Crysis, but heck, i hated Crysis anyways.

Opinions about this game are spread out.


Well-Known Member
Played this alot when it was first about a couple of years ago. For part of my uni course a group of about 6 of us used this game to make some short videos which turned out rather well :)
Its definitely a fun one to play on the LAN, we used to have good 20 player matches on certain nights in the Games Lab, but then people started falling out of love with it once a bunch of new patches hit and changed the way the game was played.
Still, I feel like giving it another shot now...