Planned one-week absence


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahoy, :)

Just so you know, I shall be away from the 28th all the way through to the 8th of December.

Right after the Friday raid, I'm leaving for a 1.5-week long RPG retreat with the wife and a fwe friends, and there shall be much tabletop gaming, but no computer gaming of any sort.



Active Member
Ah, I love those little RPG-retreats with friends. Only thing that always spoils the mood for me is the fight about who gets to wear the french-maid outfit and who the pizza-boy outfit. And careful with those tabletop games. Always check if the table is sturdy enough for it. It's so embarassing when the legs collapse under the strain of a good game.

Ya'll have fun now, ya hear


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

It occurs to me that I never really answered this:

Heya Zoogs What tabletop games do you play?

The only "mainstream" game I play (if you can call anything in the RPG industry "mainstream") is D&D, both 3.5 and 4.0.

I do play a bunch of indie RPGs, though, and I do mean a bunch.

I'm in the middle of a campaign of Solar System, (which is a derivative of The Shadow of Yesterday). The TSoY/SS game is my favorite RPG at the moment.

I'm gearing up for a campaign of Burning Wheel, which promises to be great fun.

I play Primetime Adventures whenever I get the chance. Same with Capes.

Played a lot of Dogs in the Vineyard, not too long ago.

I've also dabbled with Sorcerer and Spirit Of The Century, but I'm not likely to go too far with those two...

To the retreat, we shall be taking Donjon, Mountain Witch, In A Wicked Age, Poison'd and My Life With Master. We'll also be taking Art Grace & Guts, and Rock of Tahamaat, but that's a proto-game and an RPG drill, rather than full RPG games.

I'm sure there's many more that I'm forgetting, though. :)



Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

The time. It draws near.

Yes. It does. :)

(It's almost like Q-Man before an Interplay event...! :D)
