[Tech] Playstation 2 hardware with rock band.


In Cryo Sleep

I've never really owned a console before, have no substantial knowledge of the range of consoles and their connectors and compatibility, but currently have my g/fs sisters ps2 here. I've got two guitars at the moment (wireless and wired) which plug into the chunky controller connectors on the front and work fine with RB1 and RB2.

If I want to get a drum kit and a microphone for four people - what do I have to get? The ps2 has two spare usb sockets on the front (one which works with the singstar microphone thing), so would need to get a drum kit and mic which are usb. Which leads me to the question: is the "rock band drum kit ps2/ps3" over USB? I can't see info online through a quick search, so want to double check from people who probably have them in person! I'm guessing that it is, as I dont think PS3 has the chunky ports on it and has moved to USB, but thought I'd double check.

Also, the USB microphones I've got from singstar don't seem to be recognised in rock band, and I thought that in rock band, the microphone needs to have a controller attached as well to select difficulty and suchlike. Is there any way I can get this to work as I've only got 2 usb sockets, but would need three things (drum kit, microphone and controller for mic).

Hope that anyone can enlighten me on this as I'm not sure!



Staff member
I don't actually run RB on the PS2, so this is by no means 100% accurate.

Things in a random order:

The mic requires a normal controller to be connected. You've tried the singstar mic with a dualshock connected? I would think it supports singstar mics.

The band pack comes with 3 USB instruments (drums, guitar, mic) and a USB hub. Not sure what the specs on the hub are exactly, but if you can easily get a hold of one to try that would be your best bet.

Bottom line: I don't think you're going to get four people playing until you get rid of one of the old GH guitars. You need one of those controller ports for the dualshock.


In Cryo Sleep
Cheers for the reply.

Your bottom line is what I was thinking I might have to do. Although there is the wired scabby guitar at the moment, so getting the "band in a box" thing probably isnt a bad idea. As long as theyre all usb instruments and has a hub like you mention, then I should be okay!



In Cryo Sleep
Yay. managed to find the band in a box for £40 and it all works spangly. Ta for the advices.

Shame that the rock band guitar is a bit wank though, but thats probably mungeable with some elastic bands.

I dont get: this though. RRP of £110?! I've seen it as rrp of £70 before. but £110?! Yeesh.


Staff member
Take back what you said about the RB guitar :mad:

And yeah, that's not worth anywhere NEAR that much. We can get a Rockband TWO band kit for half that...


In Cryo Sleep
the strum bar feels like im trying to play in golden syrup as its just a bit of foam inside that you have to squish. trying to strum quickly the same way, rather than up and down just doesnt seem to work as the foam doesnt push back fast enough.


Staff member
I'm well aware of the inner workings of it :p In fast sections, it makes more sense to actually grab hold of it.


In Cryo Sleep
I'm well aware of the inner workings of it :p In fast sections, it makes more sense to actually grab hold of it.

I do the up-down-up-down thing for long sections of continuous notes, but for odd triplets and suchlike I usually just hit down a few times.

On the GH guitars this is fine as you can at least get some tactile feedback whether the thing has clicked or not, but on the RB guitar, theres no click or feedback so whether the poor little reed switch has triggered is anyones guess until you wait to see whether the note is missed on screen! Maybe i just have to get used to it, but currently, its all horrible and smooshy :p